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What should i do with my cat during floor time?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 4, 2012
I was planning to my guinea pigs play pen in my foyer but what about my cat? I don't want my piggies to have a heart attack or my cat to accidentally hurt them.WHAT SHOULD I DO???
Can you put the cat in a different room while your piggies play? Have plenty of snacks and toys for the kitty in the other room, too...so he/she does not feel banished. :p
That might work, if i put him in my room he would probably sleep literally until i had to go to bed and move him off.:D
I always put my cat in the "spare bedroom" although it really should be the cat room as she spends 75% of her day in there anyways. When I have laptime I don't put her in the bedroom because she just walks over and sits beside me with her back to my guinea pigs. I think she feel outnumbered .. lol!
I think my cat may even feel scared by guinea pigs, because he's afraid of a slow(in cat terms, in turtle terms it was pretty fast) small, turtle.:D
Can you put the cat in a different room while your piggies play? Have plenty of snacks and toys for the kitty in the other room, too...so he/she does not feel banished. :p
That may work but are cat is a outside cat and if he can't go out side to go poo, he'll go under something... probably on the bed.
My cat was interested in my girls when I brought them home. Now he could care less and I think he might be a good cat to cuddle them. Haven't gone that far yet and not ready to chance it. Maybe someday. As of now he sleeps or is outside. I would never leave him alone with them.
My cat Spook goes down stairs when I have out of cage time. When I have lap time he comes onto the sofa to cuddle with me. He's very green eyed about lap time but he'll just lay next to me and fall asleep. When Mbizi was alive he would snuggle him when I had him on my lap. I think it was because he was warmer to the touch being a skinny pig and all.
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