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What is the best kind of bedding?



What is the best kind of bedding?

I've heard conflicting things.
I've heard it said that cedar chips, etc is bad for GP's, but also that it's fine.
I've read that fine shavings are bad because they can bother the GP's respiratory system.

Right now we are using Timothy Hay. Lucy loves it & she enjoys nibbling on it here & there.
Re: What is the best kind of bedding?

Cedar and regular pine are toxic to guinea pigs.

Kiln dried pine is fine.

I myself prefer fleece because it's inexpensive, absorbent and reusable and you just shake out the poops,throw it in a washing machine twice a week and your good to go!

Re: What is the best kind of bedding?

Wow! fleece sounds like a great idea.
Is it expensive? Do you need a lot of it?
Re: What is the best kind of bedding?

If you have walmarts near where you live then go to the fabric section and they sell fleece for I think $3 a yard.

You will need at least two of them.
Four is easier.

You will need two per week because it needs to be changed twice per week and one week you can have the week before it's fleece washing and have the other two or the week.

Ok that was really confusing.

Read it carefully and eventually you'll understand :evil:

guinea hair on fleece

I tried fleece but I can't get all the hairs out. It bothers me cuz it gets in all my laundry and in the machine. I see everyone says to shake off the poops but what do you do about the hair?
Lint roller?

Try a lint roller, or a less expensive route, tape? Perhaps you could vacuum it, weighing down the corners? I'm not too sure, but fleece is the route I'm going to go.
is this ok?

at the pet store near me they sell something called freshclean or something like that.

it is recycled paper and pulp. th pet store said its the best to use for piggies. can anyone tell me otherwise? i think i am going to switch to it on my next bedding puchase. it has no cedar and no pine (says right on the box in bold)

it feels soft and kinda looks like skin tone newspaper, but fluffy.
is it carefresh?

is carefresh the stuff you're talking about? I've never used it but everyone says its the best cuz it's soft and nontoxic and absorbs the best.

I use aspen cuz I can get the 5cu ft bags for $10.99 where for carefresh that size would be around $18.

Aspen is the only woodshavings bedding you can use for small animals (atleast I think it's the only one)
Re: is it carefresh?

i just use shredded newspapers, and i make sure that they are soy ink based; and my piggies like to nibble on it every once in a while!


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Well, I use pine shavings, along with some dried grass. At least, I think it's dried grass. I've tried putting my piggies on newspaper, and they nibble on it, but I'm not sure how to tell if its soy-ink based or not. So, I can't really use newspaper right now.
Re: bedding

I've never dealt with fleece before. Does sound interesting. My Guinea Pig's live outdoors in a huge cage(about 4' tall). I use "field grown hay" as bedding. They don't eat it like they do Timothy Hay. I stuff the field hay in their cages and they make tunnels through it! :)

I used to use Carefresh... but that was too expensive, especially having to buy it on a weekly basis.
Breeder's Choice

hi all..most people i know of and of course myself uses Breeder's Choice cat litter as bedding for our cavies..

however it is quite an expensive choice..it is made from recycled newspaper n compressed into pellet form..it is good in ordour control n absorbs moisture well too =)

I just switched from Yesterday's News (recycled Newspaper) to Carefresh last month and I really like it. I have a hairless GP so I have to be careful about bedding so it doesn't irritate her and carefresh works well. It keeps smells to a minimum and is cheaper then the recycled newpaper. I would reccomend it.
Brekelefuw said:
at the pet store near me they sell something called freshclean or something like that.

it is recycled paper and pulp. th pet store said its the best to use for piggies. can anyone tell me otherwise? i think i am going to switch to it on my next bedding puchase. it has no cedar and no pine (says right on the box in bold)

it feels soft and kinda looks like skin tone newspaper, but fluffy.
HI I found that this stuck to the bottom of my cage when I used it, it turned almost to clay witht the wet from the GP's but give it a try if you like! I perfer wood pellets that i get from the pet store that are free of cedar, called Mountain cat litter, with shavings over top of that!
toscoffy said:
hi all..most people i know of and of course myself uses Breeder's Choice cat litter as bedding for our cavies..

however it is quite an expensive choice..it is made from recycled newspaper n compressed into pellet form..it is good in ordour control n absorbs moisture well too =)
Me from Singapore. Here , we use breeder choice's cat litter. It's a bit kind of expensive ( Here we paid about 15kg - 15US$ ). But it's a very good choice. VGood in ordour control and really absorb. And last for more than one week. ( Of course, need to thick as 1"). I hope , breeder choice company will give me a good discount on recommanding them :)
um if u got carfresh get some carefresh i find its probably the best.abit expensive but still very good
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