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Bedding What is the best for odor control?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 19, 2012
O.K.- I usually use Carefresh but bought Carefresh Eco Bedding-the shreaded paper (krinkly kind) to try it out in a pinch. The boys are alright with it, but my girls who are bigger and older get really stinky.
I don't want to get to the point where I'm changing bedding every day so if anyone has some suggestions, that'd be great.
Thank you!!
I started out with carefresh but switched to fleece, then to pine. With the fleece, I could smell the urine. Not sure what I was doing wrong because It seems most love it as bedding. The pine does not smell piney but has some smell to it that I don't like. I really was 100% pleased with the carefresh except for the price. So for right now I am tryng out the pine and fleece again. If I can't figure something out between the two, I think I'll be going back to carefresh bedding.
Yeah, I guess Carefresh has an expensive price point for a reason. I was using Aspen but the ammonia smell was incredible.
I've tried just about every kind of bedding on the market and finally settled on Planet Petco Crumbled Paper with baking soda.
Planet Petco Crumbled Paper Small Animal Bedding at PETCO

It is just about the best at odor control and is locally about $21 including tax. I'm switching to fleece, but have reservations about it. I tried it last year and couldn't stand the smell. Perhaps I'll have better results this time.

I also used the Planet PETCO, it's really great at odor control. I still use it in my litter boxes, but everything else is fleece now.

Highly recommend it, though.
How big is your cage? Smaller cages need to be changed more often.
I am not sure if you are willing to change to fleece, but fleece with uhaul pads has done wonders for my cage. I think the key for me was to add litterboxes with carefresh in their eating area. I change that once a day (sometimes every two days...) and it keeps the cage smelling fresh for at least a week sometimes a week and half.
That is what we have done too CrazyMom. The litter boxes have done wonders for us :)
Ugh, it drives me crazy how insanely priced bedding is! It's paper pulp and some other chemicals in it for crying out loud. No way it costs anywhere near $30 to make 50L...

Anyways, I hate loose bedding because it sticks to the girls and gets everywhere. I do use aspen (no woody smell) in their litter area under the hay racks. Everywhere else I use fleece. I've found with fleece, you need several pads to be successful with it.

With several liners made, I can change the cage twice a week, in about 15 minutes or so and the girls are cleaner and the room smells better :)

I only have 3 now, but come May I want to stock up on materials and make 3 or 4 more :)
If you go back to fleece, frequent cleaning will make you and them happier.
Thank you everyone, gives me a few options...I do not have litterboxes although I did use them successfully with my bunnies many years ago. I haven't really read up on them for piggies-do they take to them fairly easy? Is it just a matter of persistance and putting the droppings in it, etc? If I could do that with the fleece-that'd be great. Thanks again all!!
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