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General What is on my guinea pig's nose?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 16, 2019
Today, I took out my guinea pig to lay with hi for a bit. I noticed something greenish/brownish/yellowish on his nose. Does anyone know what this is, because I don't want to google it, and get worried on something that Bobby may not even have. If it is anything that needs to be checked over with a vet, please tell me the price range. Thank you!! (I will include pictures) [GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?[GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?[GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?
Also sometimes it sounds like he might be having trouble breathing, but it is rare. Once every 1-2 months, he sounds like he is almost wheezing, but he is acting fine. His diet never changes, as he eats a lot of hay and the pellets I give him. He also drinks his water and eats all the fruits and veggies I give him.
I'm not seeing anything wrong, but it may be more obvious to you in person (or in pig!) than it is in a picture. Where exactly is the area that concerns you?
If you look at the photo with just his nose, near the black nostril, there is a yellowish/greenish stripe. I don't know if it boogers or something, but his left nose tends to be stuffy in a way, with liquid inside sometimes.[GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?
None of them look like that. I don't know if this will help but here is some things that Bobby does have. :sad:

-Sneezing when taken out of cage
-Slight wheezing (high pitched sound when breathing)
-One nostril is usually stuffy
-Fur is usually standing up in a way, very fluffy sometimes

I continued looking around on that website, but the closest thing I can see on that list is a URI. The link you sent has a lot of things, but none of them are as severe as my guinea pigs. I also tried getting some warm water and a q-tip, trying to wipe that thing off his nose. Nothing happened. I do not know if it is something to get checked out, but again it is nothing from that website. Anything that can help me find what this is, will GREATLY help.
If it doesn't wipe off, then it's not drainage from his nose.

What I'd do is assume that it's a fungus and get some Lotrimin. Apply it sparingly with a q-tip and rub it in well so he can't ingest it. Do this twice a day for several days and see if there's any improvement.

If there isn't, or if it gets worse, stop the Lotrimin and switch to a triple antibiotic ointment, available at any pharmacy. Apply the same way.

Do it in that order, because if it's fungal and you start with an antibiotic, it will make the fungus worse. But if it's bacterial and you start with the antifungal medication, it won't make it any worse.

As far the stuffy nostril, he may have snuffled something up his nose. How long has it been going on?
I got him in July, and it has been going on since then. Also, I found this at my local pharmacy. Is it okay?

(broken link removed)
Yep, that's it. Just a tiny bit, rubbed in very well. Use a q-tip, because fungus is contagious to humans.

Has it gotten any worse since July?
In the beginning, it wasn't even noticeable in a way. Now, if I look at his nose, you can see the liquid moving as he is breathing. I will try and get the fungal thing tomorrow, but will it burn him or do anything t him in a negative way?
No, he won't even know it's there.
Would you by any chance have any idea why he has:

-Ruffled coat
-Sneezes somewhat often
-Stuffy nose
-Slight wheezing

I am trying to find the solutions to these, because I will go get the cream tomorrow. If there is anything to help these, I would appreciate it.
He might be allergic to his hay, or the hay might be dusty. What kind do you use?

What do you mean by a "ruffled coat?"
I usually use Kaytee Timothy Hay or All Living Things Market Medley Timothy hay.

By that I meant: Whenever I usually go over to his cage and give him a little scratch, the near the back of him, his fur stands up in a way. I thought it might of been loose hairs, so I took a soft-brush and brushed him. It went down, but in less than 30 seconds, it went up again. Also, he has been shedding a good amount since we got him.
UPDATE: I checked on him today, and the stripe seemed to slightly still be there but not as subtle as yesterday. I have no idea what happened. Today, I looked at his nose, and instead of only the grey nostril being wet/stuffy, the pink/white one was also stuffy in a way. There was liquid around it and inside. I tried wiping it off, but he kept moving his head.
Could we see a picture of what his ruffled coat looks like? ( He's a super cute piggy, btw! )
[GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?[GuineaPigCages.com] What is on my guinea pig's nose?It was hard to get the whole body, cause it looked different from every angle. This was the best one I would find.
Thank you! :) I will try my best and ask my mom to take him to the vet.
It definitely sounds like a vet trip is in order. Make sure to let your mom know that you need an exotics vet. Your general small animal vet (for dogs/cats) are typically not trained in guinea pigs. Good luck, let us know how it goes!
I found one not too far from me. They look like a small animal vet, but also exotic. They treat hamsters, birds, dogs, cats, and even lizards... On their website it says they treat exotic pets. Will this one be okay?
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