I'm drawn by their amazing personalities. I initially got Mufasa for a practical reason. I review pet products professionally and wanted some type of rodent to try things out on. Piggies seemed appealing, and we chose Mufasa because he came right up and sniffed my husband's hand at the pet store. When we got him home, we were shocked to discover he had a very distinct personality. I thought piggies would be bland creatures that pretty much just eat, sleep, and poop. Mufasa was sweet and very opinionated...I remember the first time something startled him and he did his baby growl at it, or the way he'd croon with pleasure when hubby petted him just right. We were devastated when he died, even though we only had him 15 days.
Next, we adopted Borat and Amy, and they continued to show us the wonder of piggy personalities.They're direct opposites, with Borat being as laid back as any creature can be and Amy being excitable and enthusiastic over any little thing. I love how they both greet me when I come by their cages, how Borat knows that if he sits up and begs, I'll get them treats, and how they love it and wheek and popcorn when I hand out a favorite goodie. We've only been into piggies for a couple of months now, but I can't imagine our household without them.