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What can u do With gp while cleaning

I need someone esle to confirme on this
On which part?
99% of pigs do not take well to being picked up, therefore you need to chase them down and gently pick them up, otherwise you will never be able to do anything with them.
Ive had winnie for a week is it ok to pick her up now she doesnt run away with my hand in cage. Is she already Ajusteded
She may not run away with your hand in the cage, but she will surely run when you try to pick her up. I am sure she has adjusted just fine. Please remember to use proper punctuation.
I do one of three things with them. if it's just a quick cage clean as in just their litter bin and sweeping up the floor. I put them in a traveling cage for a bit. Other wise when I'm doing a major cage clean to spot cleaning. They either end up running outside in their pen or I have them cornered off for floor time in the kitchen.
Ryan how i get her out of cage
Yes, someone else please answer him! He doesn't believe me.
Ok, Winnie can you please just take Denise's advice. She is right and I agree with her so please stop asking the same question over and over again.
I have to agree with Daisy and Denise. Your question has been answered multiple times. All of our guinea pigs run when people try to pick them up. They're either a bit frightened or trying to play. Either way, as long as you support them when you scoop them from the cage, you will not hurt them, and they will not hate you.
Winnie said:
Ok but what she trys to run while im picking her up

First and foremost, PLEASE USE PROPER PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING. I apologize for yelling at you, but in almost every post you have, it's VERY difficult to read and understand what you are saying.

Guinea pigs are "prey" animals by nature. They will ALWAYS run when you go to pick them up. It's an instinctual response. There are GP owners on this site who have had their piggies for years, and love to be petted and be out for lap time. But as soon as you go to pick them up in the cage they will run. Corner them in a hidey house or try draping a towel over them. Then you scoop them up, keeping their bum and hind legs supported and hold them close to you.

And, personally, I don't think you need to have multiple people confirm what one member has already said. Denise has been a member for a long time, and I've never known her to give incorrect information.
Some piggies also may not move when you try to pick them up. I guess it just matters on their personality.
All the pigs here run like crazy when you go to pick them up. Once captured, they enjoy their floor time, grass time, lap time, whatever time. They do not enjoy being caught. But the benefits are greater than the drawbacks.
So they will not be Scared for life
NO. Trust us, we know what we are talking about. You get credable advice all the time here.

The more you cuddle with your pig, the more you will bond. And you need to adopt her a friend ASAP so you can get her into quarintine.
My parnets wont allow me another guniea pig yet
Your parents should have done research before allowing you this one, so they would have been prepared to meet the piggies social and housing requirements. :( I wish you well with your little pig. Please do read through https://www.guinealynx.com/healthycavy.html
Im 13 my mom is allegric and my dad had a guinea pig in the 70's and guinea pigs are expensive and the rescue homes only give them away in pairs i care for everything iam responablie for this pig thats what my parents said i clean i feed i do what i have to do
What happens to the pig when you go away to college? Rescue homes will adopt out single pigs to a home that already has one.
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