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Play What are your pigs favorite toys?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 31, 2010
Just for fun-
What are your pigs favorite toys?

Mine love their cuddle cups and big cardboard boxes with holes to run through. They really love a box big enough to fill the whole cage...silly boys!
My boy, Bocefus, LOVES just plain old newspaper spread on the floor during floor time. He rips the corners up and runs all around inside of them. I love it, cheapest toy EVER. He runs through them making make-shift tunnels and just enjoys the heck out of it lol
No matter how many toys are laying [on top] of the newspaper, he pays no attention to them
Paper bags and cardboard boxes stuffed with hay keeps them entertained for hours and one of my sows loves cuddle cups and fleecey tunnels :)
Cuddle sacks, paper bags, boxes, and oatmeal containers with the bottom cut out and stuffed with hay. They love to eat all the hay and hide inside the tube. :D They also love the fleece jungle and the bent grid covered with fleece. But Molly's favorite thing is to climb into the hay bin and lay under the hay. Never potties in it, she just likes to lay under the hay and snack. LOL!
My guinea pigs love paper lunch bags filled with hay. They like to tunnel their way in from the closed side of the bag. They also love the boxes the soda come in. It's their favorite kind of box!
For Charlie and George it is a little plastic ball with a bell in it.
I loved being in another room and hearing that bell jingle as one of them pushes it around

For Patch it is anything and everything, but he is a fan of the purple stuffed turtle.

I'm going to try some of the newspaper tricks listed
Mine adore these...

(broken link removed)
My pigs love anything they can run through. Oatmeal containers, toiletpaper tubes, card board soda can boz, some times during free range I roll up there veggies in newspaper, they love it!! My pigs like bells, so I have a treat/chew hanger with bells, my pigs also like music.. during free range I'll play the piano, or put the radio on, and they go nuts!! Popcorning every where!! I should post a video of it, it is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! And it's free.. go figure!!
my guinea pigs just LOVE newspaper,they eat it, they run under it, and they like toilet paper roles too,my guinea pigs will eat anything edible( and a few things none edible) so i get them the willow sticks that you can get at the pet-store and they can eat a whole one in two days! they love tunnels,i have not yet tried the cuddle cups yet
my guinea pigs just LOVE newspaper,they eat it, they run under it, and they like toilet paper roles too,my guinea pigs will eat anything edible( and a few things none edible) so i get them the willow sticks that you can get at the pet-store and they can eat a whole one in two days! they love tunnels,i have not yet tried the cuddle cups yet

Mine chew the bark off but won't chew the stick. I wish they would chew them. Worries me.
my pigs did that in the beginning too,they would only eat the bark,just give your pigs time,they might start to eat the whole thing!
Well i think my piggie is like most babies on here a large box and a paper bag filled with hay.
But i just got my second piggie so i got a large paper bag so they both play in it.
Oh yeah and a fleece octopus cocoa will get under it and the octopus looks like it is walking.
I ball up pieces of paper, they love to chew on them and throw them around.
I need to start buying the newspaper! I give my boys paper wads and cardboard and they love it but I will have to try newspaper too. Also, I saw one of those purple octopuses in a catalog and thought pigs would love it! Now I must get it!
I put in a cat ball toy that my boy loves to play with and he also plays with a paper wad and a cardboard box that I cut out into a tunnel.

Tonight I put another hole into it on the side and Quincy went nuts. He popcorned and ran through all of the holes made figure 8's through it. I was in stiches I was laughing so hard.
Our girls just moved into a newly remodeled C&C cage and we didn't have a lot of toys yet. They really like a ball that we got for our cats but they play with more than the cats. It's a solid ball that looks like a ping pong ball but has a bell in it and they push it around or pick it up with their mouths and toss it. I also just went from carefresh bedding to fleece so I bent a grid into a U shape and attached fleece to the top of it and they run through that little tunnel. There's also a corner piece of fleece that hangs from a grid about 3/4 of the way up in the corner of the cage that I attached hanging pieces of fleece to and they like playing peekaboo with each other in there. One has claimed it as "her" napping spot, the other naps in the fleece tunnel with her little legs sticking out. Once we finish and build the second story and ramp I plan on making some cuddle cups and other things like that for them.
Just made our girl a triangle grid tunnel covered with a cloth stretchy book cover....she pushes it around the cage from inside the tunnel. Silly girl.
Just made our girl a triangle grid tunnel covered with a cloth stretchy book cover....she pushes it around the cage from inside the tunnel. Silly girl.

Do you have a picture of it? Would love to see it and maybe borrow the idea for my boys.
I don't have a pic (but I will get one up). I just bent a grid in the middle and grabbed a book cover out of our stash of school supplies. The book covers are about a buck. They are easiest to find during school supply sales. I didn't come up with the idea...I just don't remember where I read it.
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