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web sites with reasonable prices?


Cavy Slave
May 31, 2005
Hi all,

Anyone know of any reasonably priced cavy items? More specificly, hay racks, hidey houses, ect.?

nancy :)
The critter store is cheaper than the ferret store. I just placed a order with the critter store and I compared it with the ferret store with free shipping. The ferret store was over $20.00 more.
This Ebay store seems good -- resonable prices and shipping, and good feedback.

(broken link removed)

nancy said:
Hi all,

Anyone know of any reasonably priced cavy items? More specificly, hay racks, hidey houses, ect.?

nancy :)
(broken link removed) is my favorite. I find even with the free shipping, (broken link removed) is way more expensive.
I love www.petguys.com, you may try them. I mostly get my aquarium/turtle supplies there, but have noticed they have guinea stuff too!
I have acctually seen they have decent prices there, but the shipping is expensive.
nancy said:
Hi all,

Anyone know of any reasonably priced cavy items? More specificly, hay racks, hidey houses, ect.?

nancy :)
Most of those types of thing you can easily make yourself

I LOVE this bunkbed idea https://www.guineapigcages.com/gallery/1714/
(broken link removed)

Slap has a great hayrack idea https://guineapigcages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6321
Here is my Hay Rack Idea...sorry no picture https://guineapigcages.com/forum/showpost.php?p=62327&postcount=15
Other Hay Rack Ideas https://www.guineapigcages.com/gallery/categories/520/=

Go into the Photo Galleries and look at other people's ideas. Most likely you will either find something you love or come up with your own invention..and probably save money too.
Funny...Critter Store and Ferret Store are owned by the same company.

VooDoo....Thanks for the plug for my bunk bed. The pigs really love it. I may try your idea for a hay rack.

I loved slaps idea and tried it. I found something similar. It just didn't work for me. Hay still went everywhere. Boy do I miss my hay loft. But I don't miss the smell of wet hay.
Yeah, Neeps Inc. owns some really good pet site stores. Check out the other ones.
I also still sell cavy caves.
where do you sell them?
Through this forum and through guinealynx. Go to the accessories forum here and find the new thread about them I just posted.

Amfeider-I hate to say this, you were given one warning about your posting. I have given you several days to improve but it's going down hill again. I have to give you a second warning to post using proper capitalization and punctuation or you will be banned for a week.
We are also selling piggie pillows for the rescue. I will get some pictures this weekend. They were my daughter's idea and she is making most of them. She is 9 and if I do say so myself, she is doing an awesome job.
I shop through (broken link removed). They have a coupon at the moment I get them sent via email I believe it will work for all if you enter the code. PET3222
I also make guinea pig cozies and shipping is included. (broken link removed). I have cuddle cups, binkies, and cuddle bags available. Check it out.
British users: there is a site called bunnymail.co.uk ( https://(broken link removed) )
they sell loads of stuff, espeicially toys and treats!
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