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C&C We made our cage!!!

Mom_of 3

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 4, 2012
So we went to kmart yesterday and they had the storage grids on sale 17.99:eye-poppi for 23 grids!!! Yay!! So we got 2 boxes and now our girls have 2x4 upstairs and downstairs!!! And they L-O-V-E it!:love: They're running up and down the ramp and "popcorning":D!!! We have double fleece over the bottom with some old cardboard until the sign shop gets our coroplast sheets in, i was really suprised we are getting a huge peice for $20! Plus we found fleece blankets on sale for $4 each.
Congrats. Take some pic when you are all finished and let us see!
Great! Look forward to seeing some pics! :)
Finally the coro is in stock so we can go get it!! The cardboard we are using under the fleece isn't very effective. As soon as we get it together i'll get some pics up when i do please excuse the funky fleece (it's all different) because we found large fleece blankets on clearance for $3 but no 2 were alike eventually i want to get coordnating fleece and get a fleece forest and all that fun stuff my girls are enjoying their cage!
Finally the coro is in stock so we can go get it!! The cardboard we are using under the fleece isn't very effective. As soon as we get it together i'll get some pics up when i do please excuse the funky fleece (it's all different) because we found large fleece blankets on clearance for $3 but no 2 were alike eventually i want to get coordnating fleece and get a fleece forest and all that fun stuff my girls are enjoying their cage!

I have two fleece pads in each cage. Most of the time, they aren't color coordinated but my guinea pigs don't mind. :) At first I used to try and match them up but now it doesn't even matter to me, either. I buy remnants when they're on sale at Joann Fabrics and don't care about pattern or color unless it's a sports team we don't root for.......
Is there any certain thing i should get to pair up with my fleece? Ive heard u-haul pads?
[GuineaPigCages.com] We made our cage!!!
Here's a picture of our cage so far i have a cat carrier in there as like a hidey house the girls dug the fleece baby blanket out of the cat carrier though, i also went to the dollar tree and got a small tote cut a hole in in and thats where i put their hay...the whole thing looks as if its in dissaray because the fleece is so unruly the piggies like to crawl under it, im working on a fleece forest under the ramp
That is AWESOME!!! Too Cute!
Ohhh....that disarray would bug me to death! Not a criticism of your management skills, it's just that I have a bit of OCD and I prefer things to be neat. I'm sure that it won't bother your cavies and that they are happy and healthy.

Have you considered sewing fleece liners? It's time-consuming to sew them, but it makes cage upkeep oh so easy......and attractive.

Have you got any links for doing this? i know its pretty straight forward but it would be nice to have a guide as ive been meaning to do this for my boys
Ohhh....that disarray would bug me to death! Not a criticism of your management skills, it's just that I have a bit of OCD and I prefer things to be neat. I'm sure that it won't bother your cavies and that they are happy and healthy.

Have you considered sewing fleece liners? It's time-consuming to sew them, but it makes cage upkeep oh so easy......and attractive.
LOL it does drive me crazy im hoping once we get the cardboard out and the coro in I can get the fleece undercontrol... the piggies don't seem to mind but they do drag the fleece EVERYWHERE!! Im not real skillful with the sewing machine but i have an aunt who i could ask, im just trying to decide what is best to put underneath the fleece...
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