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Washing Veggies


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 16, 2005
Just out of interest, how does everyone on here wash their pigs' veggies?

I did have another question but I can't remember what it was...
After I've put the salad in the bowl, I put my havd over it and run it under cold water for a bit.
I put all of the veggies in a strainer and run it under cold water. Then, I pat it down a little with a paper towel.
Regular veggies like bell peppers, get a rinse under the tap water. I give them a scrub (no soap)if it's apples, cucumber or other produce that may have wax on it. And for my herbs like cilantro, I give it a quick rinse under the tap, shake off the excess water and wrap in 2 paper towels. The towels then go into a ziploc baggy. (Thanks Rachel Ray for the nice tip!)
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