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Veg*n Waiting to go Veggie


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 26, 2004
I feel horrible! Every time I see a piece of meat, I see the horrors that are happening to the animals. I feel so bad. I want to go veggie, but my parents refuse to let me until I leave the house, because 'I'm still going through puberty, I need alot of proteins, yadda yadda yadda.' So, I have to wait until I go to college. Three more years. However, I have started eating less meat than normal, starting to 'phase' it out of my diet. I'm down to two pieces of meat a week. My dad's a huge hunting fan, so we have venison for almost every other meal now...
Good for you. =O Im trying to phase it out of my diet too. I cant get those meet your meat images out of my head...
Same here, I actually had to go to the wash room after that, I literally felt like I was going to vomit. I can't stand the sight of blood, but I tried to force myself to watch it. Every week night, I watch the animal cops shows on animal planet and I just sit there and sob. I don't know why I do it, I guess just to remind myself that I have nothing to complain about, and that my life isn't as horrible as I sometimes say. Plus, I'm thinking of becoming either an ASPCA officer, or an animal behaviorist. I would rather become an animal behaviorist because I am always so interested in psychology, though. And plus, I'd love to volunteer my services to a shelter when I'm older, maybe even start my own. That's one of my life goals.
I have tried to be a veggie but it never worked. I think about it like this, they are already killed so why don't you eat it.
How long did you stay a vegetarian for?
Queen B said:
I have tried to be a veggie but it never worked. I think about it like this, they are already killed so why don't you eat it.

But if the demand weren't there (i.e. people wanting to eat them) then they wouldn't be killed in the first place. Fair enough if you don't want to be a vegetarian, but that's a very shortsighted way of looking at things and the direct cause of so many of the world's problems. We all need to take responsibility for what we do/ eat etc. - it's foolish to think anything works in any other way.
I only eat meat once every to months. That is just one way of looking at it.
I respect you descision to eat meat. I know that they are killed, but WHY should you eat them? They were once beings who could walk and communicate just like us. They were probably killed in ways that aren't even imaginable. I just don't see why they should be killed in the first place. Animals weren't meant for consumption
Queen B.

"They are already killed so why don't you eat it?"

Let's look at that for a second. They aren't dead until there is demand. Now lets say we harvested people for food. If you had the chance to save 100 people, just by not wanting to eat them. Would you? OF COURSE! So why when you have the chance to save 100's of animals by making the simple choice not to eat them. You pass the buck off on a weak statement like that?

The fur industry has lost a lot of business in the last 10 years simply because people feel its cruel and synthetic looks just as good if not better? Cows and pigs are just as meaningful as foxes, minks, and chinchillas.

So the meat industry would do the same if people stopped eating meat. They have to pay people to kill the animals, and if they arent selling the meat from them. They cant pay the guy to kill them. It simple when you think about it.

That's why you do not eat meat. And if you only eat it once every 2 months, why bother? You really need that steak or burger every 2 months? Its a weak arguement.
ok, lets get one thing straight. If knowone killed animals we would have any over populated country of animals. And do not be pushing this all on me, just becuase I do not feel like going vegitarian does not mean I do not like animals and it gives you no right to critize and team up on me. Also this is a free world and you CAN NOT STOP PEOPLE FROM EATING EXSPECIALLY ON A CAVY WEBSITE. sorry to be cruel but this is pretty lame. O well that is not my problem this is yours.
O yeah chishall shove it up your but.
All right, that was INCREDIBLY inappropriate. He's making just as much of an argument as you are, so why do you have the right to tell him to 'shove it up your butt'? There are for more civilized ways to say something than that, and you aren't even making your point! Yeah, he said something that you didn't want to hear, but you have to face the facts, not everyone has the same opinions as you, and just because they don't does not give you the reason to insult them like that.
Right now we have an overpopulated human country, if you ask me. First of all, just because animals are already killed doesn't mean it is ok to eat them. By eating them, you are saying that it is ok that they were killed in inhumane ways. Do you have any idea how cows are treated? Certainly you don't think that they graze in large fields all day. Quite the contrary.. chickens, cows, and pigs are treated horribly and without an ounce of love.. and then they are shipped off to your local grocery stores for you to buy and consume. When you purchase this, you are supporting that industry. Everyday I am thankful that I am a vegetarian/vegan and I know that I make a difference because I say "no" and I am able to influence other people to not eat meat. My boyfriend, for instance, was a meat eater when I met him. He quickly became a vegetarian because he saw how much better he felt when he didn't eat meat. Then he realized that it is morally wrong to consume animals. Animals should be loved and treated with respect, we are no better than they are.

I just want to say that there are other means of protein.. if you really want to, you could (possibly) persuade your parents. You could do some research and present it to them. Tofu is a good source of protein. Also, almonds and almond butter are excellent sources as well. There is also Tempeh - which is also made from soybeans. I have always been a vegetarian and I went through puberty as a vegetarian. There has been no consequences, only benefits.
WOW not only did she flame me for talking about facts, lol. She also called a whole post donated to me and my backside. And if that wasn't enough you spelled my name wrong in your fit of unjust rage. (has to stop writing from laughing to hard)

All I did was confront weak logic with intelligence. I asked why it mattered that you ate meat once every 2 months? Is there a meat festival in your area everyone has on the 15th of every other month.

Please do not get mad at me for posting facts and trying to educate you on something you aren't very familiar with.

As far as overpopulation, how many cows have you caught copulating? Or any animals for that reason? You do know most of the animals you eat were from artificially seminated mothers right? Also you know that cows and pigs and sheep arent native to America?

This Continent was fine before humans were here. Our overpopulation has forced them into populated areas. Our logging and need to build has taken away their natural habitat.

Again you actually amaze me with your comments. Most people take the time to actually think or research before they blurt out something. You are the kamikaze poster. Most people who know me from here, know that I usually post strictly on facts. While I have many opinions and am very opinionated they rarely get in my posts.


PS - on the lighter side - Id rather have a carrot shoved up my bum, than a T-bone steak. Ouchie!! :)

No hard feelings ok! :) It's a family show, lets keep it clean!
Queen B, I find your post to be completely inappropriate for this forum. I also didn't appreciate you not thoroughly reading the sexing guinea pigs thread. Your response there was also not relevant to the original post.

This is your first and last warning. If you step one more toe out of line on this forum, you will be banned immediately.
I agree--that was very inappropriate.
I feel horrible! Every time I see a piece of meat, I see the horrors that are happening to the animals. I feel so bad. I want to go veggie, but my parents refuse to let me until I leave the house, because 'I'm still going through puberty, I need alot of proteins, yadda yadda yadda.' So, I have to wait until I go to college. Three more years. However, I have started eating less meat than normal, starting to 'phase' it out of my diet. I'm down to two pieces of meat a week. My dad's a huge hunting fan, so we have venison for almost every other meal now...
I'm 14, and I've been veggie since I was six. It was my choice (none of my family are vegetarian). I understand that your parents might not be as lenient on this subject as mine, but maybe you can try talking to them about how you feel? Do some research online, you'll find that there are plenty of sources of protein for vegetarians. Maybe print off some informative pages to show your parents? I hope you can persuade them - I know I've never come across any health problems caused by being vegetarian, and I doubt many other veggies have. My dad has never been totally happy with me being vegetarian, because he thinks I don't get enough protein, but in the last couple of years he's stopped going on so much and let me be.
Chris, you're funny =) Queen B, if this site is too lame for you, then go by all means.
Queen B said:
O yeah chishall shove it up your but.
I think... I think Ismell a troll...(Lol, still new to trying to figure out who is a troll.....)
Piglet your awesome as always, and thanks for having my back.

When I get furiously mad like I was when I read that. I try not to get too mad and instead I attack it with my own brand of humor. Glad to see I'm not the only one that enjoys it.

What's worse then a T-Bone you ask? Apparently a Troll, they still wiggle! :)

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