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Vinegar... I hate!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 21, 2004
OK, I am desperate!
Everytime I spray the vinegar/water, I can't stand the smell! It's not just some "Oh, it's stinks" type thing. I really can't stand it. Everytime I spray I have to sit out for at least an hour because I get a migrane. It hurts so bad, and I have to force myself off the couch, bed, whatever I'm on and go back to the cage and finish the cleaning. I have a very sensitive nose(like a guinea pig, hah) and get headaches very easily(I get a headache and get sick if I smell regular pine or cedar. A small wiff!). Is there any other way that I won't need vinegar/water mixture? Anything else to spray it with that doesn't have that horrible smell? I can keep going with the vinegar if there really is no other alternative, but I'm so very desperate to find something else, so I don't have to keep having migranes everytime I clean a cage. It isn't so bad on my smaller cages(2x3, 3x3) but with my 4x6 and my 2x6 it's horrible! I know this topic came on a while ago, but I can't find it.
Thanks for reading! Any suggestions?
you could go outside or if you cant do that you could by small animal cage cleaning spray or wipes its by the same company that makes critter shampoos and has alight sterile scent and its safe for guinea pigs
I don't think those are at my feed store... and I am not going to buy from a pet shop... so I don't know what I'll use. I guess I'll have to get used to headaches, eh? Thanks! Appreciate it! I'll look around my feed store next time I go.
My Mom says the same thing when I use it. I don't have the problem. Guess go outside/ open windows or dilute it with more water?
The thing is, that I put 3/4 of water into it and it still really gets to me. I guess I'll try even more water in there?
I'm really not sure; try asking over at www.guinealynx.com. Perhaps they'll have information that'll help. Sorry to hear about your migraines!
probably some people are going to disagree with me here but i don't see a problem with using this organic soap and then diluting it with water (my friend just uses regular dish soap diluted with water) and it doesn't stink at all (especially because the organic stuff doesn't have any perfumes or anything) I bought it at Home Hardware but it is a bit more expensive than regular dishsoap.
I am soo sorry. Maybe you could have someone else to that part, or use something diffrent like Windex? I am not sure you can use that but I use that to clean my room so I am guessing you can use it on coroplast?
Windex would be harmful to the pigs I think.
o, I do not use it I use vinger I was just givin the idea. thanks for the tip though
You can always try this

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans serif]Critter Fresh Cage Cleaner & Deodorizer - 8 oz[/font]

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, Sans serifs]Cage cleaner and deodorizer for small animal cages. Natural enzyme action cleans and deodorizes in one easy step. Safe, nontoxic formula.

No windex. Sure it'll clean the coro, but it could harm the pigs.
Maybe when you spray the cage with vinegar, you can breathe through your mouth instead of your nose? I'm not sure if that will be entirely comfortable, but it's worth a try. That is---- if you're allergic smelling it, not inhaling it.
I've heard that many people use dish washing soap and I'm one of them.I use dish washing soap and it works great and it dosen't smell bad either.
I know what you go through ruby! I too get headaches and the smell just makes me sick. I usually open the windows and open the door, and breathe through my mouth. You could use a peg or something to put on your nose!
Piglet said:
I know what you go through ruby! I too get headaches and the smell just makes me sick. I usually open the windows and open the door, and breathe through my mouth. You could use a peg or something to put on your nose!
Lol, a peg to put on my nose! My mom'll think I'm nuts, haha!
I guess I'll open up all the windows and doors and just try to breathe through my nose, I've done it before, it wasn't much different but still helped a little. I could always ask my sister to do it... Scratch that, she dosen't give a lick about guinea pigs! She'd rather clean the toilet then be around them!
I think I might try different things, like soap if I can, that animal spray. I'll just see which one is the most effective, and if I must use vinegar, that I shall! I heard, though, before, that soap and water was bad to use?
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