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vet prices


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 14, 2004
Is it just me or is $40 dollars for an initial check up and then 20 extra to "examine" for mites (not counting the medicine) a bit expensive?
yes that is. my initial check up was only $25 for the first time, then $18 for all the other check ups.
Really? Ours was about 40. It really stunk because both of my pigs had mites at the same time, to we ended up having to pay the vet about 300 for one month including skin scrapes, check-up, injections, and medicine. I did NOT know that mites could be cured with over the counter medicine back then...
That sounds about normal. Check ups generally are between 40 to 60. I'm not sure how much it is for cats and dogs, but that is normal for cavies and guinea pigs. Remember, they are considered exotics and they need special vets that know about them.
is that $40 for each guinea or for several?
When I called around, $40 seemed to be an average for a check up.. per guinea pig. I lucked out and found one that cost $23 per check up because I was a new customer, but since all 3 of my pigs had to be treated for mites.. I ended up paying around $200 at the end for scrapings, fungal cultures, and injections along with the checkups. At that time, I was too afraid to go diagnosing mites myself since I was still a new owner, but now that I know, I'm better prepared for next time. It was still worth the money to see them get better.
$40 is what we pay. A skin scrapping for mites is usually $20. Skip the skin scrapping, they are almost always inconclusive. Just tell the vet that you suspect mites and would like to start ivermectin. It won't hurt the cavy if they don't have mites. Our vet charges only $0.18 per shot, but like I said before, it's much cheaper to buy the ivermectin online. It's $40.00 for 50ml and $0.14 per syringe.

Our vet was going to charge us another $40 for every follow up visit (2).
It costed forty dollars a guinea pig, not for them all.
Its just really frustrationg because i know whats wrong with him but i just dont know how to weigh them... GRR
Do you have a kitchen scale? Or postal type scale? You can get one at Target or Wal Mart pretty cheap.
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