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Vet Bills??


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 23, 2005
Hello all...
Im here with a question for you all ;) My Piggie, mr. Pickles, has been sneezing and rubbing his nose... so I think he may have a URI.... How much is it usually to have a checkup?? And what would it cost to buy the medication to help? Thank you :D.
It costs me 40 dollors for a check-up and you can probally"sp" get the medicine for about 10 dollors.
Okay. Thank you!
I pay $48 for a check up, $20 for the shot, and $10 for the ABs.
No prob. Wow, Slap that is a lot!
$36 up here for a check up (then $10 each additional guinea).
I just paid $38 for a check up and nail trim yesterday.
Wow, Taking your cavy do a vet is not cheap.
40 bucks a pig for me. My vet is really understanding though, when we went there to treat for mites, we wouldn't have been able to afford to get them both treated, so she only charged us for one pig.
Wow, that is a really nice vet.
I can get 30 for a vet check up and 10 for shots.
Office visit fee of $48. Antibiotics in the $10 range.

How is Mr. Pickles doing?
Sorry to hear about the guys, hope thwy are better,

I guess I have the expensive vet I pay 48 a visit and that is per pig, and Injections 20 and liquid AB 15, nails 13, thats why I did my own ivermectin on my last three and I am learning about nail trimming. With those three it would of cost me 250.00 and that is a guestamite, I use to do it on base where services were cheaper but the new vet has no experience with cavys. So I have to see a out of town provider.

So I make sure all my guys are safe, and healthy and try to save a buck when I can, for twice a year check ups, when I take them all in I only get a discount after four, but that is 4 piggers at 48 a piece and then 20 after that per gp.

With my Buzz who recently passed, he vet bills were over 500 dollars and Tobys were 300.
Wow Christy! Thats alot! I have two vets I go too, but I'll go with the cheaper and closer one, $30 a checkup per piggie, Im going to find out how much they trim the nails, I could never do it myself.
For a checkup it costs me about £6 (about $11) and ivomec about £5. I'm going to have to take Bracken to the vet hospital (6 miles away, we have a local practice run by the same vets here) for a scan soon, so that will probably cost a lot more. They generally don't charge me at all for the hamster unless she has something that needs treatment.
Mine ended up at 39.00 Total. Glad I took him though.
Cinnamon's nail trim is $17. I have to take him because his nails are dark and I can't see where the quick is and I don't want to hurt him.
Wow, that is alot for nail clipping. I use to go to the vet for free to get my guinea pigs nails clipped now I just got them on my own.
I thought it would be cheaper. I took one of my cats, Ranger, in first and it was $17. So when I took in Cinnamon I thought it would be cheaper but its not. Oh well. At least I know they are a good vet and would do a way better job than me.
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