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Very Hot


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 25, 2004
Hi everyone,

I have another question regarding my pregnant piggie, Cocoa. I live in Australia, and it's very hot here at the moment. I've read on a couple of websites that a pregnant piggie should be kept cool, but I'm finding that very difficult to do. I also read that you can keep piggies cool by running a shallow bath and cooling them off that way, but I ALSO read that I shouldn't stress out a pregnant guinea pig with baths.

So what should I do? Run the bath and cool her down, or leave her alone and hope she's cool enough?

She seems alright, she's still chirping happily with her new home and running around, so she doesn't seem to be suffering too badly. But I'm still concerned.

Im not sure about the bath. But you can try putting a brick in the freezer and then put it in her cage. I heard that that helps keep a guinea pig cool, and you wont have to worry about any stress.
Try putting a frozen water bottle in her cage to lay up against and switch them when they melt.
How about a fan? That should do the trick. Just put it on low, at least, and it doesn't have to be directly at her. That way, it won't throw the shavings all over.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have the frozen water bottle, but she didn't seem to be interested in it. I just placed it near where she was sitting, and she pretty much ignored it. And the fan is a good idea, I might do that tomorrow. Another hot one forecast!
Ok, I hope that it helps a bit at least!
Providing a paved/ stone area in the cage for them to lie on helps keep them cool too. And if you wet a towel, wring it out and then having it over the cage, that helps keep the air cool. Even if she didn't seem interested in the frozen bottle, it will still have cooled things down for her and made her more comfortable.

I'd advise against the shallow bath too - most pigs don't like being damp (and it isn't too good for them) and with her being pregnant you want to minimise any stress.
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