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Veggie preference?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 7, 2005
Should I deep on trying fruits and veggies that the piggies don't seem to like to see if they develop a taste for them or just try them once or twice?
I have tried a veggie which they didn't eat, and then about 2 weeks later I would try it again. Actually I found that by leaving the veggies they didnt eat in the cage for a few extra hours my piggies would eventually breakdown and nibble on those veggies they first didn't want since there was nothing left but those.
I'll try both of your suggestions-thanks. Sounds like me before payday!
I give small portions of new veggies every day for several days and leave them in the cage for a few hours. They have rarely refused any new veggies or fruits.
So far they have both refused cucumber, yellow squash, green pepper and grapes. They were a cruelty case prior to being in the shelter so something tells me all of this is new to them. They do love their grass though!:)
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