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Using Dawn for cleaning?


Well-known Member
Cavy Gazer
Mar 7, 2005
I'm planning on giving my cage the ultimate clean out. Could I use a bit of dawn in some areas to clean off the pee really well?
I love Dawn for dishes, but I find it makes to many suds and unless you can get the item right in the water, it's hard to remove.

White Vinegar works really great to disolve urine build-up. I use i in the Guinea Pigs litter pans as well as my hamster cages. Then I use a sponge with some warm water to clean the rest. Sometimes I also use Fantastic wipes for any hard to removes stains. Just be sure to wipe everything down with warm water.
Thank you!!!
Also, if you hate the smell of vinegar (which I do), you can stick a few sprigs or rosemary (or whatever else you may have) in the spray bottle and put it in the sun for a while. I rather smell that than vinegar anyday.
moomoo2262 said:
Thank you!!!

One other thing - white vinegar is pretty cheap if you buy the store brand. I usually buy it by the gallon and just pour it as I go. It does have a pretty strong smell, but it fades pretty quickly.
The vinegar is great. You should be disinfecting and cleaning the cage entierly with it at least once a week.
I like to use for a real good cleaning, a touch of bleach with alot of water. I put about 1/2 ounce of bleach to at least 8 ounces of water in a spray bottle and spray the coroplast and then wipe off with water and then let air dry.
It should be about a 1/10 ratio of bleach/water. Personally I prefer vinegar.
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