I posted a separate thread earlier about looking to make a new lid because i have a new cat and she is starting to sit on the lid and it fell in this morning. I want to use wire shelving, and I know that lowes and home depot sell them, but was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere else? I will most likely buy from one of them so they can be cut but I wasn't sure if they sold smaller ones that would be the right size so I can buy 2. I have a 2x3 cage so i thought i would need a 7ft by 16 inch wire shelf to cut in half. I have seen both 6ft and 8 ft, but not 7. 8 ft seems to be the best one ive seen so far, that way it will be enough to hang over the cage and be stable. One problem is, I might make the cage bigger soon and if I do, I don't want to go out and buy shelves all over again. I want to buy the shelves as soon as possible so I can't wait till I decide whether I'm making a bigger cage or not.