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General Urgent!!!! Runny, bulgy nose!!!


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 15, 2016
So earlier today I noticed that my guinea pig has a very bulgy nose. I thought nothing really of it... I thought it was just in my mind. But I then had a closer look at his nose and saw that it was VERY runny... and the bulge was definitely not in my head. I'll attach an image below of his nose. Please any help would be highly appreciated!!!
[GuineaPigCages.com] Urgent!!!! Runny, bulgy nose!!!
[GuineaPigCages.com] Urgent!!!! Runny, bulgy nose!!!
Poor baby, it really looks swollen. I would definitely go see a vet, urgently!

Good luck
No bite marks on it from another pig? And are you sure it's not always that shape? I've got a pig with a nose exactly like that.

The runny part is enough to send me to the vet with him, since it looks a little yellowish to me, and that's a sign of infection. But monitors render color differently, so if it doesn't look that way to you, you might just wait a little and watch like a hawk to see if he develops any URI symptoms.
Nose size looks normal to me, but the runny nose would send me running to the vet.
What's normal for one pig isn't for another. Just because pigs can have noses like this normally, doesn't mean this pig's nose isn't bulgy. The owner knows him best.

Runny nose is definitely not a symptom anyone wants, though. I'd take him to the vet.

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Ditto on all counts. All pigs are different, but a runny nose like that would have my boys at the vet pronto.
Below is a photo of what my piggies nose looked like less than a month ago... to me it kinda looks bulgy for some reason.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Urgent!!!! Runny, bulgy nose!!!

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I'd take the pig to a vet ASAP.
On the way to the vet he started sneezing blood... the vet said that it could be a tumour, an infection or something stuck up his nose, like a seed from the hay, and in the way it got bumped and that may be why it started to bleed. She prescribed enrotril and said drop saline down his nose.. I hope he gets better[emoji20][emoji20]

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No diagnostic test?
Is this vet an exotics vet?
I would get him back into a vet who's willing to do diagnostics ASAP.
Taking a look, doing x-rays or other imaging, maybe taking blood, etc. The vet you went to just prescribed medication without doing anything to figure out what was causing it?? I wouldn't go back there ever. Find an exotics vet in your area, they will know to do diagnostics.
If you have a hard time finding an exotics vet, I might be able to find one if you want to let me know the general area of where you're at. I have a lot of experience looking for exotics vet in different areas.
So his nose has totally cleared up[emoji120][emoji120]I did only take him to the first vet and was considering going to another as suggested but decided to try the antibiotics for a couple days... thankfully they worked, however in future I might take my pigs to a different vet who offers more testing

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Glad to hear he's feeling better! I'd start looking for another vet now, so that you know where you want to go in the future just in case something comes up.
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