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Staff member
Cavy Slave
Jan 3, 2004
The forum software has been pretty much upgraded. I still have some fine-tuning to do and I need to replace some graphics.

Next is the gallery software. Please report any bugs or problems with the forum on this thread.

I noticed it looks a little different. Glad you finally found the time for the upgrade.
I didn't have a choice. My hosting company said upgrade by this weekend or they would shut down the forum. The disc usage jumped by 1000% because some hidden folder got stuffed with garbage. I still have to do the gallery and that's going to be tougher. I have more mods there.

I don't like the forum graphics here and will be replacing them with what I had.
I have to ask, what are the things under how many posts we have? The little dot with the arrow?
slap_maxwell, those show your online status. If it's green, you're online.
Oh, thanks.
Im not really sure about this people like me are scared of new flashy things it might trip some people out for example
Louis, that is rude.
Louis sometimes.... grrrrrr.....
Naa i think its good she puts in time to this website knowing what a busy life style she has ( this is the most weirdest thing i have ever said)
Louis ---> are you on something? Sheesh... weird kid.
Am i on something. How dare you say that. Do you know how many times poeple have told me that kids are on this site. If anything you need to be baned for talking about drugs or something like that.
=) Louis, you need to come up to London. We'd have a blast - you come up with the craziest stuff.
Wow that doesent make sense
wow, it is a basic sentence that children would be able to understand.

Me = lives in London
You = As a joke, I said you should come over here because you say funny stuff

It was a mere joke, for goodness sake... *sighs*
Now i get it lol. (im a bit stupid sometimes)
aww, don't say that! I feel bad now *hug*
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