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Update on bad petstore


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 28, 2004
The piggies and bunnies from the petstore are in foster care (or being fostered whatever you want to call it). When they are better they will be put up for adoption. (I called and asked the humaine society, and they were nice enough to tell me.)The petstore so far has no more piggies or bunnies, but still has hamsters/mice/gerbils/rats/and reptiles. I gave them those care sheets from a reccomended website so the petstore owner would be more aware of all the animal's needs. I have been helping him fix up the place. It is coming along nicely. I think that when he is educated and ready that maybe he might do ok having live animals like rabbits and piggies in his store. Since he doesn't buy from a breeder, justs gets piggies and bunnies that people don't want anymore it could be a sancutary for them until someone purchases them. I am trying to get him to ask people questions about the animals they want to buy, like do you have a cage, supplies, and willing to get vet care if needed.
This is fantastic! It's great to hear a success story! You are doing a great job!!!

*Piggie Lover*
Yay times a billion!!! That's awesome news. You've obviously saved those animals from a worse fate, and you've made a huge impact on the store. I am thrilled to hear the investigation went through. Congrats!!!
Succesful Reform! Congratulations!

sounds like you've done a lot of work and have sincerely tried to make a difference. Bravo! By the way, whats the name of the store?
loves2travel said:
sounds like you've done a lot of work and have sincerely tried to make a difference. Bravo! By the way, whats the name of the store?

I sent you a pm with the name.
Oooh, what is it? I want to know! (curiosity always gets me)
Yay! I'm sooo glad, I just hope all the bunnies and piggies can find good homes now.
cinn&sprinslave said:
I sent you a pm with the name.
yea, i got it. Thanks!
Me too, thanks! =)
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