I've been a veg since I was 16. That's getting close to 30 years as a veg. I live in New Orleans--the land where pork is a condiment and meat is in everything (even vegetables). I almost never get to eat New Orleans foods like Etouffee and Gumbo as these dishes are chock full of flesh BUT I know I would love them and always wish I could order them when we eat out.
As my sweet, dear husband evolves and chooses to eat less and less meat (for both humane and green reasons) I have been cooking more and more. I have come up with wonderful veg options for Etouffee, Macque Choux, Jambalaya, etc (still working on a great Gumbo though). My husband suggested I write a New Orleans/Cajun/Creole Veg Cookbook.
Yeah right--me?
He was talking to his book agent yesterday and asked her if she would be interested.
She's not interested. She's overwhelmingly excited about the idea!
I have an agent, I wasn't even serious about the idea or looking for one but here she is, practically sitting in my lap and begging me to do it.
Looks like I have ANOTHER new project. I'm writing a cookbook. How weird is that?
As my sweet, dear husband evolves and chooses to eat less and less meat (for both humane and green reasons) I have been cooking more and more. I have come up with wonderful veg options for Etouffee, Macque Choux, Jambalaya, etc (still working on a great Gumbo though). My husband suggested I write a New Orleans/Cajun/Creole Veg Cookbook.
Yeah right--me?
He was talking to his book agent yesterday and asked her if she would be interested.
She's not interested. She's overwhelmingly excited about the idea!
I have an agent, I wasn't even serious about the idea or looking for one but here she is, practically sitting in my lap and begging me to do it.
Looks like I have ANOTHER new project. I'm writing a cookbook. How weird is that?