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um cna i subsitute coroplast with............



um cna i subsitute coroplast with............

i cant find any stores that is near me with coroplast. i was wondering if i can just mkae a grid bottom then cover the bottom with some small upside down rugs. is that okaY?

Is any one going to answer me or no one knows?


chim 4.jpg chim 1.jpg
grid covering

Hey there,
You can probably use anything you want just so long as you can; keep it clean, protect their feet from pain and injury, and afford it.
The rugs would have to be washed every day, so you would need a few of them so they have something while cycling through the laundry.
There are alternatives to coroplast, check out using formica, or melamine, which is what i did. there are instructions at cavy.secutores.com.
If you are planning on putting chips on top of the rug, it wont have a barrier wall around the perimeter, so the floor under the cage will always be a mess.
Hope this helps,

Thanks alot. I was also wondering if I could not use bedding and just put some news papers due to the fact that I live in NYC where the bedding costs alot and I would need alot since the size of my planned cage will be 10.5 sq. ft.

guineapigcages.com has recommendations on bedding. Some people appear to use shredded newspaper, but i think it would require buying a crosscut shredder, because strips would be too hard to spot clean. Hard to scoop some pee out of the corner when the strips are 20 inches long.


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