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Liners Uhaul denim pads questions


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2012
I have seen that a lot of people here use Uhaul recycled denim pads under fleece in their cages. A few questions: should I wash them before I use them? Do they shrink at all? I intend on making a piggie bedspread with them. Thanks!
They are great but a bit of a hassle in the beginning! OH yeah! You have to wash them quite a few times. I washed and dried mine about 5 or 6 times on the casual setting to get all the extra lint off of it. Mine did shrink a bit after washings which I expected so I cut them after all of that. They are very big so you'll need a lot of space to lay it flat a measure/cut it to size. A difficult task in our tiny house... They do absorb better than mattress pads for sure, and they don't take too long to dry either. I have made two liners with mattress pads thus far but my next ones will be the Uhaul pads again. They are the best for liners, in my opinion. Good Luck :)
I love mine I have had them down for about 2 weeks now with 2 layers of fleece on top which I switch out every day rotating between 3 sets of fleece and they are just now starting to smell. I have 3 piggies as of yesterday for number 3. Off to the laundry mat for me tomorrow, I tried doing them in my own washer but it made the washer stink even doing the extra spin cycle.
Do I use two layers of the Uhaul pads?
Yes, I would ! :cool: Two layers of u-haul pads and only ONE layer of anti-pill fleece would work very well ! I have been using u-haul furniture pads for over a year now, and am completely satisfied with them ! I have no desire to try anything else to be honest. If something you find works really well, why look for something better ? The price can't be beat either, not for the big size one gets from only one u-haul blanket ! ( 68' x 85" for only $7.95 online)

Strangely enough, I haven't had the shedding problem that many have had, I mean, some lint has accumulated as well as some "nodules...like rolled up lint balls"-- but even that, is only after having gone through many, many washings.
The only thing with the price is that you have to pay for shipping, kath, unless you spend 25$. I wanted to try one out, but didn't want to pay shipping so I'm having some shipped to a uhaul about an hour away (a town i frequent.)

When making liners do we want to use 1 layer of fleece, 1 layer of uhaul blanket, 1 layer of fleece? Or 2 layers of uhaul, not sure how many layers. I feel like 4 layers would make it too thick, but am unsure.
I've bought about 4 or 5 of them and they've all been different sizes so don't calculate any measurements until you're sure what size it really is. They do shrink, too, so they'll end up being even smaller. I used a single layer of uhaul padding in my fleece pads and I put a single layer under the fleece pads.
The only thing with the price is that you have to pay for shipping, kath, unless you spend 25$. I wanted to try one out, but didn't want to pay shipping so I'm having some shipped to a uhaul about an hour away (a town i frequent.)

When making liners do we want to use 1 layer of fleece, 1 layer of uhaul blanket, 1 layer of fleece? Or 2 layers of uhaul, not sure how many layers. I feel like 4 layers would make it too thick, but am unsure.

I'd do a single layer between the single layers of fleece. A double layer of uhaul padding might not dry completely in the dryer.
Two uhaul blankets, each folded in half, work great with my 2x10 L shapes cage. I didn't was mine first, but I wasn't sewing them to make a bed spread. I sewed liners but kept the blanket seperate. It falls a part a little in the wash, but gets better with time. It also shrinks, not a huge amount but enough to notice. Two boys and my size cage doesn't smell one bit with these after a week. Carefresh stunk like poo compared to this. I do spot clean poo everytime i am near the cage though. Just be wary on the fleece you get. I've got a few that don't wick for the life of me.
Home depot used to sell moving pads not to much $$, but I have to ask what are they quilted with seems when I wore mine out it looked like polyester fiberfill batting so why not just use fiberfill and quilt that with fleece or cotton duck cloth?
Oops...just put mine in the new cage and didn't wash it first. I guess I will be cleaning the cage out sooner than expected this time. I haven't cut it to fit. I wasn't sure how many layers to use. The cage is super cute!!!
I didnt wash mine first and they have worked just fine. Now I have some fleece that I washed and dried 4 times no softener and it still isnt wicking away the pee.
Home depot used to sell moving pads not to much $$, but I have to ask what are they quilted with seems when I wore mine out it looked like polyester fiberfill batting so why not just use fiberfill and quilt that with fleece or cotton duck cloth?

Uhaul sells quilted blankets but the fabric content said polyester so they wouldn't be absorbent like cotton is. I made fleece pads with terry cloth, polyester batting, cotton batting and uhaul padding. Polyester didn't absorb, terry cloth didn't dry completely (I took them apart after washing and drying them), cotton batting and uhaul padding worked good. Uhaul padding is a lot cheaper than cotton batting and it thicker so I prefer it.
I am a bit afraid the fleece may not wick...guess we will know soon enough. This is my very first experience with fleece. I sure hope it works because I don't want to buy bags and bags of bedding. When Cupcake is out on the floor, she would go back into her old cage to potty. I hope she keeps that up in the big cage and does her business in the box of bedding!
I didnt wash mine first and they have worked just fine. Now I have some fleece that I washed and dried 4 times no softener and it still isnt wicking away the pee.

Try washing it with a cup of vinegar and no laundry detergent.
I will try that Thanks!!!
@KD006 Your thinking of the wrong ones. These uhaul blankets are pieces of denim(cotton) cut into tiny pieces and compressed to make a blanket. The quilted ones won't absorb a thing. Uhaul sells both so be careful if you go to get any. My store had them hidden in a corner, while the quilted ones were upfront.
Same here and if you buy them in the US they are marked $7.95 and I think it was $9.95 in Canada. I just bought another one today actually. The quilted ones are much more expensive too.
I suggest you wash in HOT water with LAUNDRY DETERGENT then dry them in a dryer 3 times before you cut them. As mentioned they are compressed cotton not woven and are basically a cotton felt. The soap and agitation as well as the drying process will felt them even more until they are smaller and more dense than out of the package. They still dry very quickly though, much quicker than towels.

They work AMAZING! After one week there still wasn't an odor at all from the fleece/uhaul pad liner. We washed it anyway but I was amazed than even up close and personal when I was loading it in the washer THERE WAS NO SMELL!
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Wow! Thanks to everyone! Right now, I have fleece with towels but I made a new, HUGE 3x5 cage for when my new baby gets sprung from quarentine and I'm definatly going to invest in these for that cage! Thanks to all for weighing in!
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