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Uh Oh :(


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 13, 2004
I have my one boy piggies seperated from my girls in a cage but in the same room so they can at least see each other...he was born 1/3/05 and he escaped last night/this morning and was with the girls for a few hours at least...they are all (except his sister) older by at least a few months...my worry is that someone got pregnant...anyone know what the odds are this happened??
Oh man, Yes there is a big chance that all got pregnant. Oh no!
oh no. I hope they are not pregnant.
Me too :( I am waiting to have him neutered because I dont want more piggies and am really really hoping no one got pregnant...I would really hope that all 5 did not get pregnant, that would be a total disaster.
yes it would. My coco was housed with a male for a day before I got her, but luckely she did not get pregnant.
bummer, i hope none of them are pregnant and i could imagine what that would be like if they all were pregnant! Arggghhhh
It sounds like his cage may need a little modifications so he cannot escape again. I hope that none of your sows got pregnant.
Trust me, I continue to modify his cage...he hasnt escaped for quite awhile so thought I had it down (see posting on here Guido's Great escape)...He has grown so much I am guessing he is somehow getting out the top maybe...he has a lid now so hope that stops him.
I didn't realize that it was Guido the escaper!
Your story was hilarious. You should change his name to Houdini. Haha, that was funny. How old is he now? When can he be neutered? It is sooo unlikely they all got pregnant, but you have a definite possible problem. I hope everything goes well and no one got pregnant, it sucks you have to wait to know for sure.
I'd like to say it's not likely they are ALL pregnant, because then they ALL would have had to be in heat that day(s). Isn't that right, that they can only get pregnant if they are in heat?
From what I have read they would all not only have to be in estrus but there is only a 6 - 11 hour window even then when they would accept the male. So I am crossing my fingers....he was born on 1/3/05 so he is 6 weeks old today. Since I posted this post he has not escaped again so I am crossing my fingers...I just am amazed at what this little guy can accomplish...hopefully my cage modifications will work this time.
Dang! He's determined, isn't he?
Yes he is. He has me checking on him every few hours all day and all night to make sure he is still there. He is so funny though, his father must have been abyssinian (hope I got that right) because his front half is puffy like they are but his back half is short haired and smooth and he has what looks like a mohawk hairdo...his fur is brown except for the mohawk tuft that sticks up which is white.
Ok John, I want to see a picture of the infamous escaping Guido now. My curiosity is peaked. He sounds very interesting and adorable.
Yes! Pics please. We must see the infamous Guido who cannot be contained by any cage built by a mere mortal!
I'll have to get the camera out and try a close up shot of him, the only ones I have on here that he is in are not close up :)
Boy,,what some guys will do to get a gal. Too bad they dont have piggy ept test. I am crossing my fingers that none of your females are pregnant.
You and me both..We have a rule in our house about animals...if they make it in the door (even if that means inside their mommies) then they are allowed to stay...so this could be real bad :) On a good note I found a place that does this:

Fresh vegetables
All summer locally grown
Chemical free, Delivered to my house

They allow me to share in the vegetable farm. For $250 I get enough vegetables to supply a family of four for an entire summer. My share consists of a weekly supply of tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, sweet corn, red and white potatoes, peppers, peas, beats, cabbage, cucumbers, watermelon, muskmelon, and onions all summer while they are in season and they are delivered to my house...I can also get a 1/2 share for $125 if I want...
Obviously some of these things wouldn't go to the piggies but I can see feeding them a great Feast this summer with the goodies coming from this place. Even better I got my wheat grass kits so I can now start to grow them wheat grass all year round also :)
The pigs would be able to have almost everything on that list, most in moderation. They can't have the potatos and they probably wouldn't eat the onions. Sounds like a pretty good deal though if you have the money and your family likes all those veggies too.

I want to start growing wheatgrass too. But I want to do quite a bit of it. I thought also about getting some large long containers and growing my own bluegrass.
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