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Pregnancy Uh oh! I'm a new cavy owner and think my boy is very very pregnant!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 8, 2012
I have two male (supposedly) pigs. They are my first ones, we've had them probably 4 or 5 months. Juju was always round but I noticed he has gotten quite large lately. In the tummy. Like bulging out. After reading a little, I started to get worried about pregnancy. Well, I held him tonight and felt along his abdoment. I felt little grindy noises, like something was chattering or grinding its teeth! On both sides of his/her abdomen! While i stood there in shock, I then saw a leap on the left side. Just like when I was pregnant. If Juju isn't pregnant, he has an alien or two in there. What do I do???? I'm just figuring out regular piggie care!! HElp! If i can feel and see the movements, does that mean she is due soon? how soon? wht do i do first to get ready?
Harry and Juju live in a cc cage, 2X4 piggy bedspreads and custom fleece accessories,all the works. kitchen area with carefresh, timothy hay in rack, oxbow pellets, usually have a bit of romaine and a carrot or bit of fruit in the evening.
Yep, you're right. He is. Those babies are going to be here soon. Welcome to the forum, and to parenthood!

First thing is to separate them, as "he" can get pregnant again almost immediately after giving birth, and it's very hard on sows to do that. If any of the pups are males, they can go in with dad when you separate them from mom at three weeks of age.

Second thing is to baby proof the cage, or you'll have baby guinea pigs underfoot everywhere. If you've got extra coroplast, you can zip tie it to the sides of the cage to keep them in, or use cardboard. You can take it down when they're big enough that they can't get out and their heads can't get caught in the grid holes.

Line up a good exotic vet just in case she has trouble delivering. She likely won't, but if she does, and it's the middle of the night, that's no time to be doing your research!

Mama and babies will need alfalfa pellets for six months, but you can give them to papa too -- he's not so old that alfalfa pellets will harm him.

Your veggie diet needs improvement for both pigs. If you're seeing white spots in your cage where they've peed, then switch them from romaine lettuce to red or green leaf lettuce. If that doesn't clear it up, switch from Oxbow pellets to Kleenmama -- you can get them at (broken link removed).

They need green bell peppers daily to get enough vitamin C. Cilantro is another good daily food. Many of us also give tomato slices, summer squash, a couple of green beans, endive, celery leaves, limited amounts of other greens, and herbs. Read the "read me" sticky on the Diet and Nutrition forum here.

The babies can eat what mama eats, so you don't have to do anything special about their diets. If mama won't eat any other vegetables, pick out one veg out of the above list, dice it very finely, and sprinkle it on the pellets. They'll get enough by accident to get used to the taste, and then you can feed it in bigger chunks and start on a new one.

Read about pregnancy and labor at https://www.guinealynx.info/reproduction.html and https://www.guinealynx.info/labor.html.

Good luck! And pictures are required as soon as you can post them!
Thank you for the advice! I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I should separate them now? I don't know how far along she is. They're very close (obviously! lol) and I don't want to stress them out or make them sad. Also, if I get Harry neutered, can he go back in with Juju? And what age can I neuter the male babies? Can they all live together then? I don't know of any homes for them but regardless don't want any more unplanned pregnancies.

I'm feeding them oxbow timothy hay and oxbow pellets. Do I need an alfalfa supplement on top of that? What kind is good for them?

Also, should I take her to the vet for a check up? I definitely know she is preggers Lots of movement. How far along could she be?

Sorry for all of the questions. I'm so nervous!!!

How do I find a good guinea vet?

I'll try to post some pics soon of my porky baby.

[GuineaPigCages.com] Uh oh! I'm a new cavy owner and think my boy is very very pregnant![GuineaPigCages.com] Uh oh! I'm a new cavy owner and think my boy is very very pregnant!

Not great pics but it was late last night on my bed!! I'll get better ones today.


155997_128301563895954_100001483327554_172203_3628571_n.jpg photo (2).jpg
oops don't know how the horse pic got in there. sorry!
Separate them NOW, or you're going to have a back-to-back pregnancy. Those babies could come any minute. There's no point in taking her to the vet now -- it's very stressful, and she should be let alone as much as possible.

The male can go back with the female after he's neutered -- you have to wait a while for the sperm to die out after the surgery.

Male babies can't be neutered for several months. Some vets do it earlier, but it's not recommended.

They may or may not all be able to go back together. More than one male in a cage doesn't usually work well unless it's an all-male herd in a huge cage.

Mama and babies will need alfalfa pellets for six months, but you can give them to papa too -- he's not so old that alfalfa pellets will harm him.

If papa is going to live by himself, keep him on timothy pellets.
Good luck with everything! Be sure to post pictures when Juju has her little pups :)
i have nightmares of this accident happening to my two boys. Good luck!
Wow that is a very pregnant piggie. I can only imagine your shock when you realized your 'boy' was about to pop. You've gotten great advice, so best of luck, and be sure to post pictures of the babies when they come. Sending healthy baby vibes your way.
Thank you everyone! I'm running around right now getting more cubes and fleece and veggies! How much green pepper a day? I've been giving them some cilantro and they love it! Hang on until I get home Juju!
1/8 of a green bell pepper a day per pig is sufficient, but I like to feed 1/4 per pig, per day. And cilantro is an awesome choice! My pigs absolutely adore cilantro.
I can't find coroplast today. Do you think Harry would be ok with just the wire grid surround on a mattress pad and fleece? Just until I can get a coroplast bottom for him?
The coroplast is just to create a waterproof barrier. You can use other household items while you wait. Tarps or shower curtains are good alternatives.

You really just want something that will protect what the cage is sitting on (floor, table) from possibly getting wet with urine and such.
I use a shower curtain liner when I need a temporary waterproof barrier. Mine is PEVA and cost $5 at Target, and is 70" x 71"
Agree with bpatters, you have to separate them now. Otherwise you will have ANOTHER set of babies on your hands,
and poor Juju might not make it through a second pregnancy. (There is high mortality with back-to-back pregancies.)

Plenty of fresh veggies are necessary for both pigs (and babies when they come. )
You need a wider range. Each pig should get a cup of fresh veggies every day. Add green peppers, cilantro, and various other lettuce types; a bit of carrot every now and then for a treat; parsely also usually is a hit but it has too much calcium to make it a staple veggie.

I wish you the best for your unexpected learning experience!!! And then also with the 'nursery' afterwards, keeping parents and
babies healthy and happy. And then with finding them homes, assuming you don't keep all the offspring. It is a steep learning curve but you are doing great so far!!
Ditto the advice to separate now.

I wanted to add: Do you have a digital food scale? If not, I recommend one. With babies (and all pigs, in general) you want to be assured that they are thriving after birth. Daily weighing will show you whether all is going well or if you need to begin hand feeding them.
Ok. Progress. We have two separate cages now. Poor Harry is looking everywhere for Juju. One more question, how high does the coroplast walls need to be to babyproof? Right now they are 6 inches all around. Would that be tall enough?

I'll send pics of the nursery.

And they both had a healthy salad with dinner of leafy greens, cilantro, summer squash, green pepper, and a green bean each. Loved it!
Babies are kicking and grinding their teeth. I can actually see them move!
algrif40 said:
<img src="https://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=19157"/><img src="https://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=19160"/>

Not great pics but it was late last night on my bed!! I'll get better ones today.

OH wow! She is really due soon... Don't pick her up anymore until the babies come. Guinea Pigs go crazy kicking inside mom none stop about 3 days before birth. First time you can see them it's usually 3 weeks before birth. To me she looks like she'll have them in the next couple of days.
That is a very pregnant piggy.

I have some links for you to read that will help prepare you for when Juju has her babies.

I rescued a sow who gave birth to three, so I know how stressful it can be! Please remember that babies are born with enough reserves normally for about 24-48 hours. First time mother don't always realize that they need to take care of those wheeking things in the corner. So, if she seems a little stand-offish just keep us updated, and after a few hours she should realize she needs to take care of them.

Keep a cavy savy vet on hand in case anything goes wrong. You want to know you have a place to take her and her babies.

Also, you will read about it in those links but there should be little to no blood. If she is bleeding a lot, rush her to the vet.
I'm so nervous and excited! The crazy thing is those pics don't do her belly justice! How did I not figure it out sooner? She was always a round dumpling but whoa! Poor Harry is trying so hard to be with her. I let him sit with her-while I watched- for a few minutes so he could see that she was ok. He just laid down in front of her while she rested. Like he is keeping guard. I feel so bad for him
! but I don't want juju to be in danger. I hope he doesn't get too stressed. Will jeep everyone updated!!!
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