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Two new guinea pigs!


Cavy Slave
Jan 17, 2012
Hi Everyone. First time on this forum. Got two little piggies for my two girls - little piggies - two sows called Emma and Lilly. We've only had them a week. My husband built them a super big C&C cage - bit difficult in england to find the bits but we managed it.

The only trouble is one of the piggies is really timid and nipped my husband tonight when we were putting her back. The other one is lovely. Stilla bit skittish but likes to be petted. Neither of them will really come out from their hiding places when we are around - so all tips on making their friendships appreciated.

One thing I do want to ask is - we made a hammock type bed underneath the 2nd level (you can see it on the picture) - I'm wondering if I should have made two - as they may require their space, or whether I should remove the 2nd level altogether and put wooden hidey holes in, filled with straw. I'm asking as when we do try to get them out to handle, they stay on the hammock and is very difficult to pick them up, hence I think stresses them out.

Again - all advice appreciated. I just want two happy loving lifetime guinea pigs

Many Thanks

Hello and welcome to the forum! It is totally normal for guinea pigs to be skittish and it will take time for then to settle down. Some pigs will always run and hide when someone approaches as it is their instict to hide from predators. Others will be more confident.

I have made a "cuddle sack" for my pigs that I herd them into before picking them up out of their cage. I also keep them in there while they are on my lap - this makes them feel safe. While they are on your lap, you can also feed them veggies. They will associate cuddle time with veggies.

Can you please post a picture of the cage so that we can see what you mean about the hammock. Also, people here suggest that we should have two of everything if you have 2 pigs - 2 hideys, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, etc.
Hi thanks for the reply - much appreciated. [GuineaPigCages.com] Two new guinea pigs!

Here is the hutch - you can see the home made hammock at the back - I'm thinking of moving it so it is in the open and putting the igloos under there - what do you think?


Hello and welcome to the forum! It is totally normal for guinea pigs to be skittish and it will take time for then to settle down. Some pigs will always run and hide when someone approaches as it is their instict to hide from predators. Others will be more confident.

I have made a "cuddle sack" for my pigs that I herd them into before picking them up out of their cage. I also keep them in there while they are on my lap - this makes them feel safe. While they are on your lap, you can also feed them veggies. They will associate cuddle time with veggies.

Can you please post a picture of the cage so that we can see what you mean about the hammock. Also, people here suggest that we should have two of everything if you have 2 pigs - 2 hideys, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, etc.
Nice cage. Welcome to the site too. Congrats on the new family members. I agree with evrything that betty siad too.
Nice cage! Congrats on the new babies! I had originally made hammocks for my girls but they wanted nothing to do with them. They prefer their cuddle cups and fleece blankets, so the hammocks are now under their sleeping area (I made them with two layers of towel between fleece so they're pretty absorbant). If yours do use the hammock, I would recommend 2 that open in the front (so you can see them and get to them if necessary). having two gices the girls the option to get away from eachother if need be.
I also have a hider. She's just a baby though. Often times I will just sit close by and let her come to me. I find that if I'm down closer to her level, I'm not so threatening. It will take time. Bribery with veggies or an occassional slice of apple might work too! Good luck!
That's a great cage-welcome!
Thanks everyone. I took the hammock out and put two igloos in with cozy bedding and they seem happier
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