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Veg*n Turning Vegitarian!

Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005
I am absolutely, 100% turning vegitarian this instant. I can't stand the cruelty one more second. I watched the PETA KFC video. I am done with supporting the meat suppliers. Who's with me?!
Congrats, slap_maxwell! I'm so glad for you! If you need help, or support, I'm here, and so are many other members. Remember, the first weeks are the hardest--keep track of days if you'd like, I find that makes it easier to start. Yay!
Good for you! I've been vegetarian since I was eight and vegan for just over a month. Giving meat up was the best decision I ever made and I don't miss it at all.
Great news! We're all here if you need any help
Congrads! =)
Today is the first full day of Vegitarianism. I'm lovin' it!
It does feel so good without eating meat. I feel 'clean' inside, its great!
That's great! You will be making a big difference. Congrats.
I'm trying to become a vegitarian, But its hard to because I live on a farm with pigs, ducks, turkeys, & chickens. For some odd reason my prents hate the idea but this is what I want to do so,.......
Ashley's Gurl said:
I'm trying to become a vegitarian, But its hard to because I live on a farm with pigs, ducks, turkeys, & chickens. For some odd reason my prents hate the idea but this is what I want to do so,.......
Do your best. Pursue to tell your parents it is what you believe in.
I think I got them mostly talked into it so I'm now a vegitarian!
Ashley's Gurl said:
I'm trying to become a vegitarian, ... For some odd reason my prents hate the idea but this is what I want to do so,.......
I would become a vegitarian, but its unacceptable in my parents eyes. They are the type of people that go on the atkins(sp) diet eating only meat. Im only 16 so I have to follow their rules, which includes eating what everyone else eats.
I never have cared for meat products, even since I was very young. My mother would force me to finish what was on my plate-usually the meat. I always ate the veggies first. After watching the video about Kosher meat, I haven't eaten any meat since and it has been two weeks. Not worried about it either. Very easy for me to do.
For anyone having trouble, I became vegetarian overnight--literally. The last meat I ate was... pepperoni pieces in pizza rolls I had that night. Got home, watched the video again (after waiting a year to see what I thought, I wish I wouldn't have but can't change that) and decided I'd never eat meat again. I did eat fish for awhile, so salmon was the last meat I hope to ever eat. I haven't broken the news to my parents about the fish yet, but they'll find out soon enough I think. I told them straight-up that I was now a vegetarian. They probably felt embarassed because our dinnertime conversation went something like this:

parents: Want some ____? (____=some type of meat, can't remember)
me: No, thanks.
parents: What, are you a vegetarian or something now? Just eating veggies? (add in snide laughter and an odd look)
me: Actually, yes.
parents: (silence).
parents: oh.

And that was the end of that. As you can see, I didn't let them make my choices for me. I think it was great, because I researched everything on my own. I found products for my dad (can't have any dairy, found out this past year due to a severe reaction) that he nver would have found if I hadn't looked at healthy soy foods. I don't regret it one bit. They think it's a phase, but it's not. I think they're questioning it now as it's been, oh, a good 5 months and 16 days already. I understand that some families are really strict about stuff like this. In that case, if you really have to, stick it out until college, and make sure that college is veg-friendly. Good luck to you all!
I was wondering what you consider eggs to be. I am vegetarian, but don't know what to consider eggs bad or not. I have been one for a long time now but still don't know.
Congrats! I've been vegetarian since I was 10 or 11, can't remember. I'm working on going vegan now.
Congratulations. I've been vegetarian for about 4 years now and I won't ever go back to eating meat
Since I started this post, I have been vegitarian for one and a half months.
Yay! Good on you =) Since my last post (not on this thread) I've nearly cut fish out of my diet. Only once a week now, if that.
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