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Trying new Vellux/Fleece liners


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 27, 2005
I recently switched over to vellux and fleece liners for my guinea pig cage. The girls LOVE it! It looks a lot nicer too. I put down newspaper, a couple puppy pads where they pee a lot, and then the liners on top of that. Also added some litterboxes with shavings, I hope the girls figure it out! I'd love to stop using shavings for the entire cage, it gets expensive! I will let you all know how it works over time.
Love your pics and your cage setup. Nice idea with the planter of hay. I may try that myself.
Looks great!
What is Vellux?
OMG, look at that little face in the last picture! Those cheeks look so SQUISHY!

The setup looks really good
Oh never mind my question. I figured out what vellux is.
Yeah I wouldn't recommend it either, my pigs loved digging at it and put holes in it. The other side (fleece) was too messy because they peed on it and dragged bedding and hay all over the place! So I'm back to using kd pine shavings.
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