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Exercise Trouble with floor time


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 25, 2011
I never know how to do floor time, so honestly, I haven't. My pigs aren't allowed out of my room, and I don't have space for them. My mom is letting me use the bathroom, but washing the floor everytime they use it isn't practical. And ideas? They are getting bigger cages with in the next few weeks, but I know they shoudl have floor time. Help please!
Use a play pen to keep them in one room/area. You can easily "train" them to pee and poo on news paper or a specific place if you put something where they can hide (ex. pigaloo/igloo) put hay inside and tadaah! They'll naturally pee and poo in spots where they feel safe and leave the other areas for exploring/running.
You can also throw an old blanket down on the floor, and just shake it out and dry it after each use. It can be washed after a few times of use.
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