I adopted two female guinea pigs in November of 2020 from my local humane society. They were both sister and very close to each other. Being older guinea pigs I knew they wouldn't be around with me for too long but it really killed me when I had to put on of them down this week (her name was Mildred). Her sister Phillis didn't seem to react too bad to her sisters death but she would run around the cage and look around for her sister. I know guinea pigs really shouldn't be along so I so I acted fast and adopted two 3 month olds. After getting them I realized I had been mistaken and they were both boys. Right now they are living in a divided cage so they don't have contact with each other. Right now my current cage is fine for all three of them since the two boys are tiny but I'm planning a new and bigger cage layout because obviously I want them to live their best life and unlike my older girls were, these baby boys are very active. So what I'm trying to figure out is.. do I make two 2X4's and stack them on top of each other and will that be enough for Phillis? She has shown some interest in the boys but seems to be fine with doing her own thing. My space just perfectly fits a 2X4 so the only way I can really go from now on it up sadly. If I were to go with that option I would let them have supervised floor time all together but keep a close eye on them to make sure the dominant male (Tony) doesn't try anything with Phillis. The second option would be to make the two level cage like planned but at the bottom of the ramp have a 1X2 space where the boys (who would live on the top floor) to interact with Phillis on the bottom floor? This would leave Phillis with a 2X3 cage but that should be plenty for a single guinea pig, especially an old lazy one right? The last option would be to get the boys neutered. This one scared me because of the high mortality rate for this optional surgery. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I put the boys through that surgery and they died because I chose an optional surgery. I am also only a teenager so the cost of two surgeries would be hard on me but I am prepared to save up as much as needed because I really just want Phillis to live out the rest of her life as happy as she can be. If you have any suggestions please let me know I'm quite stuck right now!