I am just devistated. Two nights ago tragedy struck our family. My 14 year old daughter's AC shorted out and caused a fire in her room. Thankfully the actual damage was minimal and the room can be fixed. The problem? All our smoke detectors are wired into the house electricity. When the ac shorted out, the breaker to her room tripped. By the time the smoke detector in the livingroom sounded the room was full of heavy black smoke. While my husband extinguished the fire, I got all the animals out of the house. we spent the day at the vets getting everyone checked over. All the dogs and cats were fine, the gerbils needed a bath, but were in good health. ( it is strange to watch a gerbil getting a bath.) Pucker had to be bathed also. We think that he stuck his rump in the opening of the hidey house to keep the smoke away from Checkers, as they like to share a house. Checkers was in perfect health. Pudgey, who was just 6 months old was having a great deal of trouble breathing. My vet, a wonderfully caring man, put him on IV fluids and an oxygen tent to try and help him breath easier. Through the entire seven hour ordeal, my vet never left our side, monitoring pudgey's respiation every ten minutes. Pudgey passed away at 1:12pm yesterday afternoon. I know in hy heart that my vet did all he could. He even waived the bill for all the work he did on pudgey. It is still heartbreaking though. The boys seem totally lost without Pudgey. Though, I do have to say I am very proud of Puckers(age 1 year 2 months) who, in my opinion, saved checkers'(Age 3 1/2 months) life. We assume this because his entire rump was covered in soot but he was perfectly clean everywhere else. Pudgey will be sorely missed. For now, my boys are staying with a friend while we clean out the burnt wood. I don't want to take any chances. I just had to talk to someone who understands how it feels to lose a trusted friend and companion. Good-bye precious Pudgey. We shall never forget you.