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Hi! I'm new to the board and I'm just wondering if anybody has had any success with towels as bedding?

I have read on another site that they are easier but I'm worried about them just getting too wet!

Any comments or suggestions please!
Just trying to save some $$!


I've never tried towels but i've heard of people having sucess with them. You may want to try posting it on one of the forums listed at the top of the page.


i use towels! well we use a beach towl so that it wont soak into the towel and we'ed have to change ti everyday! we put news paper under the towel an dhave llitter boxes for them! it works for us! cheaper then buying shving all the time!

I have used towels in my 5 ft x 3 ft cage. It took 3 towels to cover the bottom, and my piggy loved it. The towels had to be changed every day. I took the towels outside to shake out the hay and poop. I stopped using towels because I found it difficult to keep bits of hay out of the washer, and worried about long term blockage of the drain pipe leading from the washer.
Re: towels

I started using towels 2. I got tried of vacuuming shavings several times a day. Overtime we take a piggy out . Piggys never go up stairs but always shavings go figure? Anyway I have a little corner john with all pet pine in it . I got it @ walmart it has no chemicals kiln dried sterile. It's heavier than shavings so it stay in the john very little comes out. I live the towels <img src=(broken link removed) ALT=":eek:"> ) plus saves $$$$$$
I use them too...

We have a C&C cage, and I use the towels on the top floor only...this is where I put the grass and veggies too. Yes, the towels get wet fast and you will have to change it everyday, but for certain areas, I think it works great. "I took the towels outside to shake out the hay and poop." Yes! LOL, that's exactly what I do too. Do this really well before putting it in the wash! I'm worried about my washer too...:)
On the bottom of my cage, I use Woody Pet, it lasts a long time as long as you stir it everyday. That's why I can't afford for the veggies to get in the Woody Pet since if they do, they wouldn't get taken out for a long time! And this would be terrible...so the short-lived towels for the 2nd floor with the veggies and grass is perfect for me. When winter comes along, I'm still not sure where I'm going to put the hay, up top or below...
Re: I use them too...

One of my boars is temporarily housed in our Beagle's dog crate which of course has a tray but no edge. Bedding was getting [/i] all over the floor. So I have been using a towel instead. First I line the cage with newspaper and then put the towel down. Since I spot clean a couple of times a day, the poops aren't hard to get up and the larger pieces of hay are easily picked up. But it's difficult to pick up the smaller pieces of hay and the towel gets wet quickly. Like the others mentioned, it has to be changed every day. Before putting the towels in the washer I shake the hay and poops outside. The towels I'm using are old and not really 'plush' so I haven't had any trouble with small bits of hay sticking to it -- the hay shakes right off.
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