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too clean?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 14, 2004
i have read that if you clean a mouse's cage too well it will fell the need to mark its teritory because you have cleaned out his smell. Could the same happen with guinea pigs? I have recently switched from the water and viniger cleaner (my family was complaining about the smell) to soap and water. But when I put Rocky back in his cage, it smells really bad. What should I do?
Don't do soap and water. Do 1/10 ratio of bleach/water.

Are you using fleece? I find fleece smells.
slap_maxwell said:
Don't do soap and water. Do 1/10 ratio of bleach/water.

Are you using fleece? I find fleece smells.

yes i use fleece, but it didn't smell when I used water and viniger.
Hmmm.... Maybe you can use less vinger or open up all of your windows so the smells get out of the house faster.
Then use vinegar and water. When I use it, the smell lasts for five minutes.
I also find fleece smells, but my parents say I can't use bedding anymore.
You could change the ratio of your vinegar water solution to a bit more water and less vinegar if you need to but explain to your family that it is the vinegar/water solution that gets rid of the cage smell and disinfects the cage too.
Does viniger actualy disinfect? I mean sure it breaks down the urine, but does it kill bacteria build up. Honestly, how many people would use it to clean their bathrooms, do you think it would be effective there? Then why in your guinea pigs cage?
you could clean the cage outside, then all the cleaning smells would disapate out there
Funny, w have more problems with odor when we use bedding. Now that we have a pair of foster pigs, the laundry was getting to be a bit much so I reluctantly went back to bedding. Well, we finished off the bag and I am back with fleece. Much less smell. We use 50/50 Vin/water solution.
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