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Time to brag!

  • Thread starter TheAlmightyMiko
  • Start date


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 19, 2005
Well, after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, I have finally added an upper loft to my piggers' cage! It's a 1x2 (I only had enough cubes left over to make a 1x2), but I really love it. The pigs are another story, but I think they'll come around! They understand how to go down the ramp when I put them upstairs, but they just won't go up. It's actually kindof funny....but I digress.

Here are some pictures:

As you can see, it's pretty bare...I havn't quite decided what to use it for, but at least it's done!!

And on another note, I just noticed my calendar still says February in the picture...I must be a lot lazier than I thought!
THat is a very nice cage! I'd say it's something you could brag about. Yours is great too, poohbear! lots of room.
Looks very nice. Are you going to use the open space on the left for storage? Or just decorate it...get creative.
TheAlmightyMiko said:
Well, after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, I have finally added an upper loft to my piggers' cage! It's a 1x2 (I only had enough cubes left over to make a 1x2), but I really love it. The pigs are another story, but I think they'll come around! They understand how to go down the ramp when I put them upstairs, but they just won't go up. It's actually kindof funny....but I digress.

Here are some pictures:

As you can see, it's pretty bare...I havn't quite decided what to use it for, but at least it's done!!

And on another note, I just noticed my calendar still says February in the picture...I must be a lot lazier than I thought!
Great cage, (you to Pooh!)
mine were confused at first, too. They eventually got it and zoomed up and down the ramp!
Neat, Miko! Awesome job!(I have that poster above the cage!)
Nice work there! I bet your piggies love it! May I inquire as to where you found the wire baskets for the ramp? I've been searching high and low for them.
Thanks for the love guys *smiles*!

I might end up opening up the left end for storage or (eventually) for a larger loft, but I'm all outta cubes for now, and I am completely broke (what else is new?) so for now, it stays the same :)

And Pooh, I've been humbled...your cage is obviously superior *laughs* but I still love mine! And I've got great news, the boys have started using the ramp and have already emptied their water bottle up there (from playing, not drinking....) and made a complete mess of their food and hay....but that's OK because I know that means they love it now!

Oh and as for the baskets, I found them in the kitchen section at my local dollarama...they are littel 6" by 9" baskets, and I just cut the ends, opened them up, and made a neat little ramp. They were 2 for a dollar, so it's a great deal! (maybe I'll go get two more and do a step-by stetp, and so you can see what they look like. I can probably make a hay rack out of them afterwards!)

Ha! That has to be my favorite poster EVER...nothing's better than happy bunny...even my calendar is happy bunny (in Jan. they matched, it was kinda spooky. I felt oddly depressed that month, something to do with me being stupid and the bunny being mean...it's all very foggy now ;) You guys have GREAT taste, let me be the first to say!
TheAlmightyMiko said:
Thanks for the love guys *smiles*!

I might end up opening up the left end for storage or (eventually) for a larger loft, but I'm all outta cubes for now, and I am completely broke (what else is new?) so for now, it stays the same :)

And Pooh, I've been humbled...your cage is obviously superior *laughs* but I still love mine! And I've got great news, the boys have started using the ramp and have already emptied their water bottle up there (from playing, not drinking....) and made a complete mess of their food and hay....but that's OK because I know that means they love it now!

Oh and as for the baskets, I found them in the kitchen section at my local dollarama...they are littel 6" by 9" baskets, and I just cut the ends, opened them up, and made a neat little ramp. They were 2 for a dollar, so it's a great deal! (maybe I'll go get two more and do a step-by stetp, and so you can see what they look like. I can probably make a hay rack out of them afterwards!)

Ha! That has to be my favorite poster EVER...nothing's better than happy bunny...even my calendar is happy bunny (in Jan. they matched, it was kinda spooky. I felt oddly depressed that month, something to do with me being stupid and the bunny being mean...it's all very foggy now ;) You guys have GREAT taste, let me be the first to say!
Thanks, we do have great taste don't we? :p
TheAlmightyMiko said:
Oh and as for the baskets, I found them in the kitchen section at my local dollarama...they are littel 6" by 9" baskets, and I just cut the ends, opened them up, and made a neat little ramp. They were 2 for a dollar, so it's a great deal! (maybe I'll go get two more and do a step-by stetp, and so you can see what they look like. I can probably make a hay rack out of them afterwards!)
I would love to see pics of a step-by-step process for building a ramp of these baskets if you get a chance!
great cage !
that looks great!!! your piggies are probably very happy!!!
Very nice looking cage Miko, but you don't really need the grids around the ramp. They won't fall off the ramp. You could use those extra grids to build more loft space if you wanted to. I love the blue coroplast.
Thanks Ly!

I've got those grids around the ramp only because I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, and, well, this was the only way I could figure out to animal-proof the cage without blocking off the ramp when I closed the lid. I'd love better ideas though, cause I think it does look kind of strange o_O
At any rate, at least the cats and dogs are staying OUT of the cage!
Ah, see I didn't know you have cats and dogs. After looking at the photos again, I realize that one section of wire shelving comes down to form a lid. So just disregard my last post. Can you post a picture of it when the shelving is closed?

You said you didn't know what to use the loft for. Make it a nice feeding station. That way the pigs have to go up and down for food and get lots of exercise at the same time.
Sure can:

And just for good measure:

(I realized it looks like I only take pictures of miko, but then I realized it's only because Taiko is so good at playing hide and seek when the camera comes around; two seconds before I took this pic, he and Miko were sitting side by side, *laughs* what a shy pig!)

I was trying to debate between a feeding loft and a cuddle room, but I think I'm leaning toward a cuddle room until the weather gets warmer, only because it has been so chilly that I want them to be as snug as possible! I think come spring, though, I will definately turn it into a feeding loft. Makes more sense that way, I think :)
Thanks for the pictures. If I was able to have a cat, I would probably do something like your cage on a bit larger scale as I have the 4 girls. I asked my landlord the other day if I could have a cat and she said no again.

I love seeing pictures of Miko. I have this great fondness for silkies/shelties ever since I got Moppy.
What did you use on the ramp, carpet?
Nope, I used a rubber bath mat (cut to fit), and covered it with fleece (the fleece is just bull-dog clipped onto the ramp so it's easy to remove, and the bath mat is cable tied on.) I used the mat so that there would be an even surface under the fleece for the pigs to walk on.
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