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Thoughts on this cage



Thoughts on this cage

I am thinking of purchasing this cage for my three guinea pigs. I would appreciate any thoughts. THANK YOU!!

The link is (broken link removed)

Thanks again!!
Re: Thoughts on this cage

To be honest, I wouldn't get it. It seems awfully small for three guinea pigs if the dimesnions are 47"L x 20"W x 28"H. The Cavy Cages website says that three guinea pigs need a minimum of 10.5 square feet. Besides which, that's a cage for ferrets. I'm not sure if guinea pigs would be able to climb around in those tubes and the ramps seem awfully steep.

I'm sure you could get a much bigger cage for much less money if you checked out https://www.guineapigcages.com/
Let me rephrase my questions

After thinking about it, I have a couple of specific questions...

Is this big enough for 3 piggies?

Will they use the tubes? (can guinea pigs crawl up a tube like a ferret or gerbil?)

Do they like stuff like this?

I don't have any desire to put together a cage myself. I don't have the floor space to have one the size indicated on the Cage site. I want to purchase one that is already made. I am looking for a good, multi level cage. What do you think of this one? Are there others already made that you would recommend?

Many thanks to anyone who would help me with these questions!!!!

Thanks for your response!!

I don't have the time or the desire to create my own habitat. That is why I want one that is already made. Unless it costs a minor fortune, money isn't an issue for me. Happy piggies is!! I have had my piggies for years and they have lived in a large fish tank. I always had two piggies. Now I have three and was looking for something more fun for them...larger, that gives them the opportunity to play more. My 2 new piggies (there are the 2 new babies and the remaining adult [5 years old]) are really active! I want something that will give them an opportunity to move around more. Unfortunately, my floor space is extremely limited, that is why I need to go up, not out.

Please help me with a recommendation that won't require more floor space. It would be a last resort that I build something. I just do not have the time to do so...and with as many hours as I have been working lately, lord only knows when I could complete a project like this.

Re: Thanks for your response!!

You kept pigs in a fish tank????? That's about as bad as it gets.

You need the space for the pigs. No getting around it.

That cage you've linked to is a poor choice for a cage for guinea pigs. And no, there is no way they will use the tubes.

Did you bother to read all the testimonials? The vast majority of people can put together a C&C cage in an hour or two.

If the happiness of your guinea pigs is your main concern, you need to get creative and find a way to make more space and find a couple of hours out of your life to give it to them. There is no other proper response.

If you absolutely can't possibly manage to eek out a couple of additional square feet in your home to provide proper space, then make a 2x3 grid cage with an upper deck. There a ton of examples on the website.

those cages are for ferrets mainly, and sometimes chinchillas. Some pet stores sell them for rabbits, but my store won't sell them to people that have that use in mind. Cavies have very limited climbing abilities, so the tubes are useless. Also, the platforms don't allow running but sitting room. The reason it's great for ferrets is because they climb like feinds and for chinchillas because they jump [this is also why ledges are popular in chin. cages.. "cliff hopping"].

It's a horrid cage for a cavy, hands down.


Re: oi.

I don't know if you will check this thread again but if you do, check ebay for a C&C cage if you don't want to build it yourself. I have heard people sell them over there all the time. At least that way you will have an appropriate cage.
C&C's are much cheaper than those cages.....

for that amount that you want to spend,
you can build about 3 very large cages with a loft for each, and pay someone to build it for you and still have money left over.

whats great about the C&C cages is even though you think you might not have the space to build one, you can build one to that would fit that certain amount of space like a large jigsaw piece (you can build a cage to fit around corners) and still give your piggie the space he or she will need to live in.

you should check out some samples of great cage structures that really don't take up alot of space and some that are as terrific and can only be dsecribed as the "taj mahal" of piggie palaces, over at the gallery here at cavy cages. and now that target, staples, and some costco's carry the cubes, the only hard part of it is to find a coroplast dealer to sell a sheet to you for the cage (the coroplast can be substituted if it cannot be found).

~momma cavy3160
proud slave and mommy to
Peek-a-boo & Butterscotch
Re: Thanks for your response!!

Hi! ImJoanne:

I know I'm late getting in on this conversation, but if you don't want to make your own C&C cage, I do make and sell them. There are 5 different sizes available in your choice of navy or green. It comes with the correct amount of grids and connectors needed, and the coroplast is cut and scored to the correct measurements for the size you choose. Cable ties and detailed instructions are included.

Of course, it's preferrable to make it yourself since materials are pretty much everywhere if you look around, but there are people who don't want to do the cutting and scoring of the coroplast or may not be able to get out to purchase materials, etc.

Rather than buying a cage too small or unsuited for your piggies, please email me for details. I ship them UPS anywhere.

My email is [email protected]

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