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this has upset me



this has upset me

ive just been reading peter gurneys topic on what happens when your guinea is dying and needless to say, im now really freaked. im not a strong person at all and im terrified on that moment coming. i ended up in hospital when my rat died because i made myself so ill.
i know im an over possesive guinea mum but this is really giving me nightmares. i cant sleep through thinking about it. my piggie is only 2 years old so he has a long way to go yet (hopefully!). how do i cope when im faced with this?
Re: this has upset me

One of our two boars Humbug died a few weeks ago, it was very traumatic for us all, my wife is still very upset. It helped us a lot that we have support from each other, also we had to 'move on' because we still had Zack to look after and had to find a new cage-mate for him...
It helped me a lot to have a friend who didn't think it was stupid for a man to grieve for a pet that I could talk to.
The best I can suggest is that you find a really sympathetic friend - someone who's as 'soppy' over animals as you and won't think you're stupid to cry over a 'rodent'.

It might also help to have a buddy for your piggie - he'll be a lot happier now and a comfort to you later.
Re: this has upset me

thanks for you reply michael. ive tried and tried to cinvince my parents for another piggie for custard but as im back living with them and custard is ripping all the wallpaper off, theres no way im allowed. ive often wondered how he would react to another piggie but seeing as hes completely docile i thought maybe he would be ok. that was until today!! i bought a battery operated guinea that walks and squeeks. i put this on the floor and put it to go. custard litterally ran at the piggie and attacked it then ran away squeeking! it totally shocked me.
Re: this has upset me

it upsets me also to think o fmy babies dieing. the pain of loosing them when they leave is wrth the joy w ehave fromnloving them and having them be a part of our lives. may 9, 2003, my old abby died of natural caused and old age. i am still grieving. 2 weeks ago my old red eyed boar, rutsy, died of kidney failure. he was 7. the sam enight he died, my peruvian had her babies. she has triplets and they are 2 weeks old today. one of them has the same behaviors as my rusty. when they leave, i cry. but it doesn't stop me from loving even more of them.i hope your piggy lives a long and healthy life.ruth
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