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Rabbits The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 30, 2011
Yesterday evening, I saved a life.

Yesterday, I was browsing through CraigsList and *accidentally* came across a wonderful tan bunny. Two months ago, the lady had found him in her backyard, starving, lost, and unable to survive. So she brought him in, cleaned him up, and fed and gave him water. In the two months she had him, she posted lost ads and called neighbors. It wasn't the first time she or her neighbors had seen stray pets. Yes, he was for sure a previously owned pet, because you don't go out finding adorable tan lops in your garden, do you? She suspected a house that when they got tired of pets, just threw them out to fend for themselves. He seems to be only about 4-5 months, but we are unsure of his age. Being that, he might have been in an accidental birth and the owners did not care or try to rehome him. I mean, that's so sick. It's evil what people in this world do today.

The lady also put in the ad that he needed to go today, as she had an appointment with the Animal Humane Society to surrender him. I mean, if my parents had said no and he went there, I would have -died-. Who wants to spend Christmas without a loving family and in a small cage?

So, being the hopeless person I am, and wanting a whole shelter full of animals, I went to my Mum and asked, showing her the ad. I was almost sure it was a no, because I had asked for pets before. By the end of the conversation, I had brought her to tears. She was going out shopping with my Dad and said she would talk with him. I sent her the lady's phone number and the ad. She later called her and they had a long chat. Apparently, the lady was quite young, and was moving. She also had a large dog, so she couldn't take the bunny. She had bunnies when she was little. After finding him/her ( as of the moment we are unsure of the gender but will find out today ) she did ALOT of internet research to ensure she was giving him the best care. And she did! He is in perfect shape, has great teeth, and is very healthy and active. I sent her a long email yesterday saying how thankful we were and how good care she took of him.

So, my parents called me back and they said we would be picking him up. I was over the moon! Once we got there, we were greeted by an active little guy trying to try his escape skills on us! They gave us a cardboard box with shredded paper which he liked to burrow in and cover himself with. She also included, a $140 outdoor Ware bunny hutch, a 40 pound bag of Aspen premium horse shavings, a 1/4 of a bag of rabbit pellets, his water bottle and food bowl, and him. How much did this cost? $5. That's right. She was very nice and just wanted him to go to a good forever home. It was truly the best $5 I have spent in my whole life.

We brought him home and petted him and such, and he loved resting his head on my arm. He also followed me everywhere, the head going wild. His ears went up and down, those adorable lop ones, and after I left the room he hopped out from his big box onto my chair! He is quite smart. We brought in his hutch and cleaned out the bottom slide in tray with vinegar so it looks like new. Then, I outfitted him with a litterbox, some Timothy hay,(I think he has never had hay before at his other homes), some grain, and a bowl full of filtered water as he was very thirsty. I fed him some moistened parsley (which he loved), then sent him off to bed. When I came back upstairs, it was really weird seeing one bunny in this place and one in the other. Skippy was looking at me like, You're up to something, huh? It's his Chritsmas present. After I get Lucky (we gave him a temporary boy name) a vet visit, they can be introduced. I really wanted him, and am so happy that it worked out. I do have a couple pictures on my computer, so I'll have to take more once he's up and post them. All I can say, is I'm really proud I saved this little guys life, as I could never imagine someone throwing out a little cutie like him. Also, do you guys have any suggestions for bonding bunnies? We are 99% he is a boy, but will check today. They are kept on separate floors of our house. Lucky is lucky he has a nice, loving family and home for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Everyone! :)
Merry Christmas! :) I also have 2 rabbits, a boy and a girl, but i still have to get the girl fixed befor i put them together. :p haha You NEED to get them both fixed, matureing/matured males will fight for dominance, and in the end, the one with no genitals looses. So that means alot of blood and caring for. Its your best bet to get them both fixed. :) Also you need a huge place to run and play when they are bonded.
I would tell you more but i dont know much about bonding :)
What a wonderful story! Bless you for taking this animal.

This warms me more than hot cocoa does on a cold day!
Thank You, Barcklay. Yeah, I found this nice lady who has 12 bunnies done and she can do mine for a discount. :) So they'll be done soon. Thanks for the touching comment, Zuidy, it really makes my day also. I'm just happy he is safe and sound with us now. :) Thank you all!
Congratulations Hopperz! I'm glad you were able to get Lucky before (he/she) went to the Humane Society. This is definitely something to be proud of lol
Also, we named him Lucky, because he was lucky because he was in a very busy part of town and got very lucky that he did not get injured or run over. Any other name ideas? :) Thank You!
Thank Yoi, sillylittle! I am also very glad too. :)
Read the links under socialization: (broken link removed) that will be your best bet for learning how to bond bunnies. Two males can get along. Almost all my rabbits were male and they got along fine. Unfixed male rabbits are more likely to hump each other, poop and pee all over the place than they are to fight. Females are the fighters! But do wait until they are fixed before introducing them. It will go much smoother and a lot less messier.

Congratulations on getting the second bunny! I'm so glad your parents agreed to help save him from the shelter. That is an awesome Christmas story. =D
Thanks, Inle! I will visit those links. I plan to get both of the neutered soon. Lucky is doing well and has eaten ALL of his hay I gave him last night (Hungry Little Boy! :O) and he loves it! He wasn't gives hay in his other homes I believe, so it is a real treat for him. :D Thank You!
:D That makes me so happy to read! I can't wait for pictures! I'm so glad you saved Lucky. He sounds so sweet. :)
Thanks Fizz! I'll get dressed right now and grab my camera and get some pictures. They'll be up in a few minutes! :D
YAY! I can't wait! :D
Back with pictures... I caught him stretched out sleeping and relaxing. Here they are!

[GuineaPigCages.com] The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny![GuineaPigCages.com] The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny![GuineaPigCages.com] The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny![GuineaPigCages.com] The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny![GuineaPigCages.com] The Newest Chrsitmas Bunny!
Aww, Lucky is so cute!! I'm so happy you have him (or her) now!
He's adorable! He looks like my friend's lionhead bunny, Mokey, without the long hair! :D
I am thinking of naming him Lucky, but am unsure. Is there any other name suggestions any of you have to offer? All are appreciated. We were thinking Lucky, Twix, or Snickers, but need more name ideas. He is an adorable bunny and it makes me sick to think anyone would even consider throwing him out. :)
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His coloring is a lot like that of my last bun. He was named Mac, cause he was a subdued color of mac-n-cheese ;)
Ha! That's quite creativ. :p I also have Cinnamon now, but that sounds kinda girlish. Any others anyone? :)
D.O.C = Dumped on curb

but well loved now. =D
You could name him Pretzel or Cracker. :D
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