This may seem a bit silly, and now that I look back on it, I shouldn't have panicked, but I just had a very frightening experience(well, at the moment I was scared...) I was just in my basement, giving my pig floor time in his little area of the basement that I block off with tables, rubbermaid containers, playpens, etc. and I was laying on the floor hand feeding him when I fell asleep. Well, I woke up about 45 minutes later, and I looked around me, and I almost had a heart attack. Cocoa wasn't there. There were no openings in the cage, so I had no idea where he was. I started to get up when I heard this small purring noise. At the time, I had a hooded sweatshirt on. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, but I put my hands in my sweat shirt's pocket, and I felt something furry. I peered in, and Cocoa was sound asleep, making soft noises in his dreams. It was the cutest. He's never gone into my pocket before, he must have just climbed in. He loves it when I wear my sweatshirt, because then he crawls into my sweatshirt and up towards my neck, peeking his little nose out and gove me piggie kisses. He was adorable, but I became panicked quickly. Thank God he hadn't gotten free!