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The big entrance


Cavy Slave
Jan 4, 2012
Hi to all, popping in to make my introduction.
We are proud owners of five piggies, three male two female. Until recently we were the owners of three females, two-thirds of which turned out to be male. Our babies were born on 29 December 2011.

We are in South Africa - Johannesburg - and it's great to see other members from the same area, as finding support, equipment etc. is proving to be a challenge.
Welcome to the group. Would love to see some pics of your babies.
welcome to the forum to you and your piggies! I would love to see photos of them all.
(broken link removed)

Thanks for the welcome
You have cute babies
What little cuties you have! Welcome to the forurm!
Welcome! Your babies are just adorable!! Do you know that when the males are 3 weeks old they can impregnate momma and their sisters? Just a heads up to remove the males before that time.

There is a wealth of info here. Check it all out. So glad to have you as a member of the forum.
Looking forward to pictures and sharing.
Yes, we're well aware. We plan on seperating them next Thursday, they'll be two weeks then. The babies don't seem to be feeding on mom much at all anymore. We're going to begin slowly introducing the little boy to the other boys from this weekend during floor time, so I hope that the introduction is going to be well received. Our two boys still don't completely see eye to eye. They are definately getting better, though. Each time we think that they've become best of friends, then there's a bit of teeth chattering that goes on.

We're also investigating building a cage for them, but materials are just so tricky to come by.

Thanks for the reply, will keep posting pics and giving regular updates
Welcome to the forum! :) And I agree, you have some super cute babies!
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