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Diet Thank you so much for the information!!!

Owned by cavy

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 30, 2012
I have two new guinea pigs. I was told a couple of things that they are used to eating, but I want thier diet to be healthy and diverse. They are used to green peppers and romain lettuce, but I want to add lots more stuff. Yesterday they each had one baby carrot and I will be giving them apples today. (And by apples, I mean one 1/8 of a slice each). Your chart is invaluable to me. And I did read all of the extra information that included the updates that you haven't included yet. I can't wait to feed them tons and tons of yummy good for them things. And since our relationship is mainly about their love for food right now, it's nice to know what they can have as treats and what they can't. Especially since the pet store "treats" are useless. :)
Let me suggest limiting the romaine lettuce, or switching entirely to red or green leaf lettuce. Some pigs have problem excreting calcium when fed romaine, while others do just fine.
My girls love red leaf lettuce and green peppers. Carrots are good. Introduced them to tender corn husk and silk. They went hog wild. Think of fruit as a treat. Lot's of sugars and oxalic acid in them.
Thank you for the suggestion. I just got them yesterday, so I don't know a whole a lot about them. I do know that the lady that owned them had them for 2 years and the romaine lettuce and green peppers have been their primary diet for the whole time. So I don't think they are the kind of guinea pigs to have issues with it. However, I will pick some up today and see how they like it. I also want to get them yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes. I'll keep the fruit to a minimum. I just want something to give them as a treat. :)
The next time that I get a hold of corn, I'll give them the husks, but is there anything in particular that I should worry about with that? Any concerns involving it?
I can see you are already a proud and concerned parent. I have learned that when you introduce new food items they should be cut in very small pieces or shredded. They may pass them over the first few times and then maybe take a tiny bite. With the fresh corn I pulled all the tough, dry, aged pieces off and threw them away. I only kept the smaller, tender pieces. Gave it all a good washing. Didn't give alot of the silk. Mommy me was afraid of chocking.
I can only suggest that you do alot of research here and ask questions. No question is too dumb when it comes to the welfare of guinea's.
The next time that I get a hold of corn, I'll give them the husks, but is there anything in particular that I should worry about with that? Any concerns involving it?

Just make sure you check the corn husks for signs of mold or rot. If you like corn and would eat it anyway, go for it but not all pigs like the husks so if it's not something you would eat normally, get one to start and see how they feel about the husk.
You can also try out husks by getting them free at the store. Most stores have a garbage can for husks next to the fresh corn display (never realized that till I read it here a while back). Load up on the best looking husks. If you shop at a busy store, you'll have lots to choose from. Wash them and let your piggies try them. Both of mine love husks, but not silk. I always feel a bit weird "garbage picking" at the store and then telling the cashier what's in the bag, but it's started some interesting conversations about piggies.
Thanks for the suggestions! It never occurred to me to pick through the leftover husks at the garbage cans! I will consider this. However, I do eat corn anyhow and wouldn't be worried about using them. I only use the best stuff for my human family, so I'm sure that my furry family will appreciate our leftovers. :) Going to get some stuff for them in just a few! I will gladly keep everyone posted about what they like and don't like. :)
Just want to say thanks again! Got a bunch of stuff for them today. Dinner consisted of red leaf lettuce, cilantro and cherry tomatoes. The cherry tomatoes weren't such a hit, but the rest was very much loved and accepted. :)
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