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Adopting Taking a guinea pig from a woman who is going from 2 down to one???


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 15, 2011
I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I've decided to get a friend for my female piggy, can't stand seeing her alone, even though the males are housed next to her. She just doesn't enjoy floor time like she used to when she had another pig to run around with.

I've had a bit of trouble locating a single female pig in my area. There are plenty of males all over the place, but the females seem hard to come by. I'm watching the local shelter website, rescues, and craigslist.

Yesterday I found a cute 1 yr old female that someone is trying to rehome via craigslist, but the issue is that they are going from 2 pigs down to one pig, because apparently the daughter can't take care of two. Now, I could definitely adopt that one pig and give her a good home, but I'm concerned about being the person that takes this pig away from her friend. I suppose they are getting rid of this pig one way or the other but, I just feel horrible about the fact that they are being split up. From the looks of the photos it doesn't appear they are housed together, but looks like their cages are side-by-side (pretty small cages, at that).

Just wondering what you guys would do in this situation? I'm really feeling torn.

I have also been in contact with a local rescue. They just got a pregnant female in from someone who didn't want to deal with babies, and will be adopting out the babies once they are born. She told me if there was a female in the litter she would let me know.
That is tough. I would go ahead and adopt her. The pigs aren't really together anyway and at least this new pig would be getting good care.
I have also been in contact with a local rescue. They just got a pregnant female in from someone who didn't want to deal with babies, and will be adopting out the babies once they are born. She told me if there was a female in the litter she would let me know.
You could also take the mama pig once the pups are weaned.

You could also ask the woman rehoming the pigs if both are female - they might not be, but if they are you might consider taking both? For me three pigs isn't any more work than two, so it would definitely be worth considering, if it were me.

Another consideration would be to find a male and have him neutered - there are a lot more males than females available usually because the girls tend to be the more desirable gender to folks who don't know how wonderful boars can be.
I had a similar dilemma with a guinea pig that was being fostered in a classroom. I felt guilty for taking the piggie away from all those kids. As the rescue lady advised, "she'll need to go to a home sooner or later. She'll definitely need a home once school ends." This piggie does need a good home and you have the best intentions. HOWEVER, reading your post raises a couple cautions I can think of....why are they housing them in two separate cages? Do they not get along? Will this guinea pig get along with your female and if not, are you willing to have them live apart too, like your males? I know the rescues would probably help you find the "right" female to bond with yours. This is a maybe will, maybe won't scenario. Just something to think about, but DEFINITELY don't feel guilty about giving the piggie a new home. She'd definitely find a better place with you.

And another note, might be just me, but if the daughter can't take care of two, what makes the mom think she'll take care of one? But that's not your worry! Just my pet peeve of mom's thinking their children will be the main care-takers. I guess they don't remember when they were a kid and had pets...I know I didn't fulfill my responsibility 100% of the time. God Bless my Mother who led by great example and gladly picked up when I would lax off! ❤️
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