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Taffy Has a Cold- Question



Taffy I think has a cold. I was wondering is there anything I can do at home for him? I would take him to the vet but the last time he went to the vet's office he wound up getting a heartattack. (So far a change in surrondings causes stress, which has been leading to heart attacks for him) When he had a heart attack my dad and I hand-fed him mashed up fruit with vitamin C powder. Should I start doing that again? (But only once a day) or should I just make sure there are a lot of fresh foods that have vitamin C in them for him to eat?

I'm thinking of just calling the vet to see if she has any ideas, since she knows us. The time Taffy had his heart attack she told us that it was probably kidney failure and he doesn't have long. (This was without seeing him, just getting a description of what he was like)

I just don't want him to have a heart attack again. Any ideas about what I can do for the cold? (Other then a stuffy nose it seems he's fine. He is on my lap eating an apple chunk and he has gained back all the weight he lost from the heart attack)
Are you sure it's a cold? Is the nose runny because this can be a sign or a URI
His nose isn't runny at all, it just sounds stuffy when he breaths.
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See if the vet will just give you ABs without bringing him in, but that is a long shot. They usually won't unless you have a good relationship. They usually require that you bring him in. It may be a URI or may be something else.

There are ways to make the trip less stressful for him.
Hmm... I'm worried that it may not be a cold and that like I said before, it may be a URI. Is there any way the vet can come and visit you?
I don't know if the vet could get out here, but I'll still call. He doesn't seem sick in any other way, he is active, eating, isn't under weight or anything.

I'll call the vet as soon as I can. Thanks for everyone's help so far!
Pigs don't get colds, they get URI's and other worse conditions. If your pig sounds like it isn't breathing right or making weird noises when breathing, he really needs to see a vet.
Good advice Ly. I never knew that they could not get sick.
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