Hi, I'm a new guinea pig owner. I just got her 2 days ago from my boyfriend's dad since he was not able to care for her. (She originally belonged to his grandson.) I was petting her earlier today and noticed "lumps" under both of her arms. They are soft and mobile beneath her skin. I assume they are axillary lymph nodes or glands? I don't know if they are swollen or if this is normal to be able to feel something, since I've never had experience with a guinea pig before. Has anyone else noticed this in their pigs? She doesn't seem sick to me. She's been eating well and moving around in her cage. I just am not sure if this is something to worry about. I assume if they are swollen, it would indicate some type of infection? Are they prone to upper respiratory infections? She was kept in a humid environment prior to me taking her in. I appreciate any replies. Thank you!