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Strange/Silly piggy habbits?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2005
Does anyone's piggy or piggies have stranger or silly habbits? I'd like to hear what they are. When eating her red pepper, Mia picks up one piece and drops it on the floor. Then she picks up another piece and runs in the tunnel with it. She goes back and grabs one at a time eating it in her tunnel. She saves the dropped one for last.
Every once in a while, Tigger will get in a redecorating mood. She'll push around all of the hidey houses, and the cozy. Then she'll go after the food bowls, and push those around too. Most of the time, they end up wedged onto one side in a corner-but sometimes she'll manage to flip it over. Then she'll look around, wondering what happened...like she doesn't know her own strength. LOL Silly pig....
Kero plays "fetch" with us. He'll take a stuffed toy (this works better with his rolly polly hedgehog) and push it off the bed. He then wheeks untill my husband or I return it to the bed. Then he does it again and again and again...

He also attacks the dustbuster when I clean his cage which is why he ends up on the bed with Mr. Hedgie in the first place.
Sometimes while I have one of my piggies on a towel on my lap we play tug of war with the towel edge. She pulls it then I pull and so on and so on. Its cute.
Cinnamon and Coco have a weird thing they do. They constantly flip over their igloos. Before I got Coco, Cinnamon would flip the igloo over and sit in it. After I got Coco and got a second igloo I noticed that both would get flipped but Cinnamon stopped sitting in it. I caught Coco flipping it over the other day. Does anyone else's piggies do this?

On another note, I notice that when I walk into the room they are in, Cinnamon starts his rumblestrutting noise and seems to be making Coco move away like he wants to be the only one to get my attention. Any comments?
My pigloos always end up flipped over too. One of my girls always used to jump in the hayracks no matter where they were, even if they were suspended from the top of the cage, she would jump on the pigloo and into the hayrack. Simon is such a snot (he has had this attitude thing since he was Critter of The Month) and teeth chatters at me when ever I go near the cage.
slap_maxwell said:
Simon is such a snot (he has had this attitude thing since he was Critter of The Month) and teeth chatters at me when ever I go near the cage.

Slap, thank you SO MUCH for giving me a laugh! I just got a mental image of Simon acting all "diva"! He knows he's top pig and probably makes high demands of you too! LOL
Does he teeth chatter at you like "piggie conversation" or is it the "i'm pissed off" teeth chatter? Sounds like the former, or maybe him asking you for attention or food.
No, he knows he is king. He dosn't even like cuddle time but he gets it anyway, because thats my end of the deal. His end is the fan club of precious ladies and non stop food. The Timber Hide-A-Way has been dubbed 'the love shack'. That's the pimps favorite spot.
ha ha! Loveshack, baby loveshack....
Whenever I give my pig, Peanut, a piece of an apple she takes it and runs in a safe place and eats it then comes back for more.
When I give an orange to my pigs, they'll sniff it, do a funny shake with their head, run away. A couple of seconds later, they'll do the same thing again and again! It is SO funny! Also, when they are sleeping with their eyes closed, both of their ears wiggle
For a treat sometimes I buy small small apples and core the middle leaving it quite like a ball (with a thrid taken out for Kero). When I put it in the cage Tomoyo will pick up the apple in her mouth and run away with it. It so funny so see a whole apple in a little piggy mouth even if it is a very small apple.
When I give Ruby a TP roll, she will pick it up in her mouth and throw it up in the air. This behavior goes on and on, she does it all the time when given a fresh tp roll. She also does this with her bedding, newpapers, and her lettuce at snack time.
My Cocoa is a food hoarder. She's the dominant of my two piggies and seems to think that all the food should belong to her. While Petal will grab a piece of food and start eating, Cocoa will grab a piece of food, run into the corner, drop it, run back, grab another piece of food, run back, drop it etc, until the bowl is practically empty. Only then will she start eating from her food stash. What a little piggie!

I'd be concerned, except Petal is perfectly capable of standing up for herself and is still getting plenty of food, despite Cocoa's mean habits.
Haha! Simon sounds like quite the character.

Phoebe chews the roof of her cage when she's hyper. Or it's her attempt at making an annoying noise that will get me up in the morning. So I usually wake up to see a pigloo dancing across the cage.

She also like to bring her food into the pigloo. She gave us a good laugh yesterday when she tried to get a baby carrot in sideways. Obviously, it couldn't fit through the entrance.
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