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Stinky!!Yet another fleece question!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 10, 2004
I use fleece in my cage and lately the smell has just been killing me! I do a thick layer of newspaper, a towel, and then fleece (sometimes two layers of fleece). I heard someone mention somewhere to put dryer sheets under the fleece....well I don't think that does anything. So does anyone have any ideas on what I could do? I just changed their fleece yesterday! I'd like to only have to change it every 3 days or so.....Any ideas?
I've heard that having only a layer of newspaper and one layer of fleece smeels less than several layers of fleece.
I have two layers of fleece (no-sew blankets, thanks for that idea!) and a layer of newspaper down for my boys, and there is absolutely no odor at all. I'm still amazed. My only problem is they keep wiggling between the fleece layers to hide. I just see little moving lumps in their cage. I'd sew the layers together, but I'm seriously sewing-challenged. I am waiting, however, for a pad from an oh-so-talented crafting wonder, then my troubles will be over. <bats eyelashes at cinn&sprinslave>

It really does smell less now than it did with aspen/Carefresh and is a WHOLE lot neater. I'm so glad I found this solution here!!
I use one layer of fleece with an attached bed batting and a thick layer of news paper it works just fine.. The piggies have been in it since saturday night(sunday morning 2am) and I havn't had to change it yet. No smell.. I have heard the same as Doc that double fleece smells. I understand why too. The piggies mess just sits between the 2 layers and doens't get "soaked up" .
Thats odd. I only use towels with a couple of layers of newspaper down and I don't smell anything. I clean the towels every 4 to 5 days and they still smell fresh. I always leave my window open, maybe thats why?
We dont know the size of shortlilcutie's cage. The bigger the cage the less smell there would be. Maybe shortie has a small cage.
i use the fleece - batting - towel method... and no smell what so ever... the cotton batting helps to move the fluids down to the towel... which of course absorbs it well...
I used fleece, towels and newspaper and it stunk with in 2 days. I use thick layer of newspaper and then a layer of fleece and it lasted me 5 days. Towels absorbs smell more and so does double fleece and batting. I recomend you to use newspaper, puppy pads or incontentice pads and a single layer of fleece. Either one of the 3 and a single layer of fleece. When I cleaned the cage, not a single smell came through with in 5 days.
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pennick, she has a two story 2x3.
My fleece doesn't smell either. I use one layer of medium weight fleece (blanket kits or fleece blankets). I was told that if you use more than one layer that the cage will smell because the 2nd fleece layer would "trap" the pee and that would be a cause of smell. I tried it once to see if it was true and I can tell you from experience the top layer smelled fine but the 2nd layer smelled like pee. I use newspaper and puppy pads under my one layer of fleece.
Thanks Piglet! Yes I have a two story 2x3 cage. I didn't even think about the pee getting trapped between layers of fleece. It all makes sense now! Thanks for everyones help, you figured out my problem! So one more question....when you say one layer of fleece, do you actually mean one double layer? like a big piece folded? or just one actual piece? (as in for me to cut the excess off?) Also, is it puppy pads, newspaper, fleece....or newspaper,puppy pads, fleece? Does it matter?
It doesn't really matter how you do it. Do puppy pads, newspaper, and single layer of fleece or do puppy pads and a single layer of fleece or do newspaper and single lyaer of fleece. Right now I used newspaper and a single layer of fleece and it lasts me 5 days. I double up the paper where they pee the most at.
I do newspaper, puppy pads then one actual layer of fleece, not doubled, but I do leave a couple inches on each side of the fleece and I usually tuck it up under the puppy pads. I do the newspaper on the bottom in case the puppy pads leak over. Most people use just newspaper underneath their fleece but the newspaper will have to be checked and wet newspaper needs changed every day. I use the puppy pads on top of the newspaper so I only have to change the pads out about every 3-4 days and the newspaper underneath rarely gets wet but if a section of the newspaper does get wet it's easily changed out.

Now I have a large box that is their "hay heaven" that is up in the loft. Their loft is 1x4 and "hay heaven" uses half of that, it's 1x2. I only use newspaper and loads of hay in there and change that out every other day.
Ok thank you sooo much everyone!!! i'll be cleaning out their cage tomorrow and cutting all my double layerd fleece down! I'm going to do newspaper, puppy pads, and one layer of fleece. Hopefully I'll just have to change it every 3-4 days (with vacuuming up their poopies of course!) Thanks again for all the good advice!
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