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Still a bit of a tilt...


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 19, 2005
About 3 weeks ago I noticed my pigger, Shaggy, was tilting his head. I figured it was an inner ear infection as a result from a previous mite problem, so I immediately called the vet. They put him on Synotic drops.

His tilt has improved for the most part, although he still tilts some what. Should the tilting have gone away fully by now? Does this mean he still has a slight infection or will he always tilt a bit?
He may still have a slight infection. Take him back to your vet if you are worried.
A check-up would be for the best but sometimes the inner ear is damaged by the infection and the head tilt is permanant.

I had a rescued rabbit years ago that had a bad inner ear infection when I took him resulting in wryneck (head tilt) and nystagmus (rapid eye movement). While the infection was cleared up with medication the damage was already done. The rabbit always had a severe head tilt after that and a minor case of nystagmus.

Despite his condition he lived a happy and long (if tilted and clumsy) life.
I would go to GL and post under medical. He didn't get any AB's?
Yes, he was on AB's too...leftover bottle from the mites. Sorry, I forgot to mention that too.

I'll get him into the vet again. Voodoo, I'm glad to hear your rabbit still lived a long life. I was worried about that with Shaggy. I have been feeling pretty bad about poor Shaggy. I did notice his tilt right away, and had meds into him within 6 hours.

These piggers can sure have their health problems! Of course, if it wasn't for Petco, I probably wouldn't be having all these problems (that's where I got them, and at least one had mites....another reason to adopt and not buy!!!!). And now because of all these medical problems, my husband doesn't want us to get any more guinea pigs. He's kind of worried about money. We have plenty enough to take care of ours, but he'd rather not go through the expensive mite event again.
The "guinea pig specialist" was on vacation today, so another vet there recommended continuing the antibiotics and ear drops for another couple of weeks. OK, I guess that is what I will do. Any other suggestions?
Sometimes if not treated early enough the head tilt becomes permenant.
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