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squeling etc.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 14, 2004
When piggies are born do they know how to make all the noises piggies can make?

It seems like every week Atticus learns a new "word" (squeal or noise) and that;s the only sound he makes. Like last week he learned how to chatter his teeth and thats all he did, even when he was happy. This week (since saturday) the only noise he makes is purring. It's cute but kinda weird.

Anyway, do they learn how to make noises or do they know them at birth?
Guinea pigs know how to make noises at birth. I had a baby pig last week (which past away) and he would make all sorts of noises...some do, some don't i guess.
sorry i pressed post by accident up there.
I think it does seem like they do "discover" their voices.. they are capable of making all sorts of noises from birth, but they kind of figure it all out as they get a bit older, kind of like a baby.
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