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Wood Pellets/Chips So.. I decided to make the change today.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 2, 2012
I decided this morning that I was going to clean the cages, and see how I like the pellets over shavings. One thing I didn't really take into account was how LOUD they would be walking :D ...

so far we've used them under leaky water bottles, but today was the first time we are doing entire cages.
I use wood stove pellets (the all natural ones) in my litter box and fleece for the rest of the cage. So far I like them alot, they absorb the moisture/smell well and are easy to clean. I also like the fact that they are $5 for a 40lb bag.
One word of caution -- for the last several weeks, I've been totally unable to find pellets that don't have a strong pine odor. So be sure and check yours before putting your pigs on them.
I've had to switch back to fleece, and am very unhappy about it.

We almost had a disaster here with them. I had bought a new brand of pellets, but the first time I used them, I had a godawful cold and sinus infection and couldn't smell anything at all. It was more than a week later when I walked past the cage and realized I could smell pine. I picked up some of the pellets, and the odor was very strong.

I immediately took the pigs out of the cage and checked their feet -- all eight feet were abnormally red and irritated looking, the back feet worse than the front ones. I went back to fleece immediately, and consider myself very lucky that not only did their feet clear up pretty quickly, but neither of them had any respiratory problems.
Were do you get your pellets @Scarletraven? I am using lin dried pine, and it sticks to everything.
go_ellie, what brand are you using?
i am using the premier pet kiln dried pine bedding. It doesn't smell, and their feet seem fine,
Ok, you're using shavings, not pellets. It's very easy to find kiln-dried shavings, but I can't find any kiln dried pellets.
Sorry for the miss understanding, i am using shaving.
I would like to use pellets but i cant find any
So far it's okay.. I haven't noticed much of a smell, have been taking zyrtec so allergies aren't clogging me up for a change.

I will be watching their feet. Thanks for the heads up.
go_ellie I am using LG Pellets from Home Depot.
They have no additives...but they do say they are a mixture of hardwood and softwood.
I've been using them for a couple of months (only in their litter pan), the rest of their cage is fleece. So far their feet are fine and I notice a smell when I first open the bag, but I leave it in the garage open and the smell goes away really quick.
Should I be trying to find hardwood only pellets?
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