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so happy to have found this site!!


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Nov 12, 2011
We are the proud owners of three female cavies! We actually got two in June (Nibbles & Pebbles) and the third(Molly) in October, all from PetSmart. I had thought the first two were from the same litter, but now not sure, since Nibs is orange with a white mark on her head and Pebs has longer fur and three-coloured. Molly, we believe is an Abysian(SP?) We are working on building a bigger, better cage, so as of now, they are still not all together, only during play time. Have been looking at all the pics of cages and noticed that most are on the floor, I read that they don't like being on the floor cause of our walking causes vibrations and can make them nervous? So glad there are other Ontarians out there with guinea pigs!! :)
Welcome to the forum!

I doubt seriously that the vibrations on the floor are causing them any problems. Ours survive two yelling kids and a barking dog running madly around the room they're in, and they don't even flinch.

I think pigs get used to their humans better when they up on a table or on a stand. You don't loom so large over them when you're standing there, and it's easier to interact with them.
how do I put a pic for my profile? I clicked on the blank square and nothing...can't seem to find where...sorry...any pointers? :eek:
Up top, next to the log out button is "settings". Then look on the left side. I think that one is your "avatar".
Welcome and I can't wait to see pictures of your piggies!
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